此游戏需要原版Call of Duty的 Steam 版本才能运行。 购买Call of Duty: United Offensive 特价促销!3 月 20 日 截止 -25% ¥ 118.00 ¥ 88.50 添加至购物车 购买Call of Duty Warchest 包含3 件物品:Call of Duty: United Offensive,Call of Duty® (2003),Call of Duty® 2 ...
《Call of Duty:Infinite Warfare/使命召唤:无限战争》 使命召唤13:无限战争 Call of Duty: Infinite 8.0 《使命召唤:无限战争》(英语:Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare,台港译作“决胜时刻:无尽战争”)是一款由Infinity Ward开发,动视发行的第一人称射击游戏,为使命召唤系列的第... 为什么把13放10前面讲呢…因为...
Call of Duty United Offensive is the add-on of Call of Duty, a WWII FPS. Having bought the Deluxe Edition in English (Italian was fine but I always need the French or English version after that, like with Max Payne), I could play the original one more time and its add-on. Anyway,...
Call of Duty: United OffensiveMichael Smith
uoconfig.cfganduoconfig_mp.cfgare the respective files for the expansion. Save game data location•Link SystemLocation Windows<path-to-game>\Main\save\[Note 2] <path-to-game>\uo\save\[Note 2] macOS (OS X)$HOME/Library/Application Support/Call of Duty/Main/Save/ ...
Call of Duty: United Offensive 使命召唤:联合进攻CoD:UOCall of Duty: United Offensive Gray Matter Interactive,Gray Matter Studios 2004-09-14 8.78.1 简介 开发/发行 链接 媒体评分 8.7 会员评分 8.1 扮演美国、英国或是苏联的士兵,参加二次世界大战战争高潮,包括了坦克大决战、入侵西西里和库斯克战役等。
Improves singleplayer experience a bit in various ways. Adds mission select menu with mission previews including missions from both base game and UO expansion... Call of Duty: United Fronts Nov 15 2022Released 2016First Person Shooter United Fronts is a single-player mod that combines the campaig...
Call of Duty and United OffensiveBAR Weapon Class Support Damage 125 (1 SP), 125-43.75 (UO SP), 70 (1 MP), 70-24.5 (UO MP), 150 (Melee) Fire Mode Automatic Magazine Size 20 rounds Maximum Ammunition 300 rounds Reload Time 3.8s Recoil High Used by US Army HUD icon ...
— The Wehrmacht's victory theme in Call of Duty: United Offensive The German Armed Forces (Imperial German Army, Wehrmacht, National People's Army or Bundeswehr) is the most prevalent of the antagonist forces in the World War II Call of Duty series, and