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The new Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare arrives October 25, 2019. Watch the trailer to see what's coming in the epic revival of the most critically-acclaimed game in history!
Season 10: 5th Anniversary brings back the Battle Pass from Season 7 2021: Elite of the Elite. Stay on the lookout for what we’re bringing back for Season 11! New Weapons: The USS 9 - The Lovers weapon from Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® has arrived in Season 10: 5th Anniversa...
2、指挥自己的队伍,就像现代团队作战一样,在战火中找到生机,艰难生存下去。 3、逼真的武器效果,带来超真实的震撼体验,挑战更多惊险任务。 展开+ 游戏截图 应用信息 名称:Call of Modern Warfare Duty 版本:1.1 包名:com.free.call.of.duty.modern.warfare MD5值:22e1478ba100f299d05d35d4856800db...
The Call of Duty Companion app is a FREE app that gives you instant access to Call of Duty info on the go. Plus, you can earn in-game rewards and XP tokens that can use to help you level in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®. Read on to ...
Call of Duty Mobile手游欢迎下载,Call of Duty Mobile是一款第一人称的线上射击游戏。将Black Ops、Modern Warfare等游戏场景地图收录其中,更有丰富的武器系统,等你来解锁。喜欢枪战射击游戏的玩家,一定不要错过! 【Call of Duty Mobile玩法说明】 1、聚变争夺 神秘的公文包里似乎藏有重要情报,引起势力双方的争夺...
Includes - Call of Duty® Modern Warfare® - In-game XRK Weapons Pack - In-game Tactical Knife Experience a visceral Campaign or assemble your team in the ultimate online playground with multiple Special Ops challenges and a mix of Multiplayer maps
Season 10: 5th Anniversary brings back the Battle Pass from Season 7 2021: Elite of the Elite. Stay on the lookout for what we’re bringing back for Season 11! New Weapons: The USS 9 - The Lovers weapon from Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® has arrived in Season 10: 5th ...
Includes - Call of Duty® Modern Warfare® - In-game XRK Weapons Pack - In-game Tactical Knife Experience a visceral Campaign or assemble your team in the ultimate online playground with multiple Special Ops challenges and a mix of Multiplayer maps
Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare brings backCaptain Price—although he plays a far greater role here than inCOD 4. There will also be some other familiar faces that will make a comeback. However, most of the characters are new. As with other Modern Warfare games and the two Black Ops ...