地图介绍:坠机之地,最早出自《使命召唤4现代战争》多人对战。地点位于伊拉克巴士拉。对战双方为USMC 美国海军陆战队和OpFor 波斯湾反叛势力,规模适中 在沙漠小镇击落海骑士。精彩的团队游戏 COD 俯视图 MC 俯视图 坠毁的CH-46海骑士直升机 出生点 路口 10.Firing Range 地图介绍:靶场,最早出自《使命召唤7黑色行动》...
3.Revolution 地图介绍:地图由战役关卡“ Vendetta ”改编,玩家逃离燃烧的建筑物并最终狙击 Heinrich Amsel 。 地点位于苏联-斯大林格勒。地图中心是伏特加酒厂,周围有几张海报为其做广告。在个别建筑物中,有许多人体模型,其参考于电影《兵临城下》。 COD5 俯视图 MC 俯视图 伏特加海报 酒厂 桥梁 4.Rust 地图介绍:...
It is the direct sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, continuing along the same storyline and gameplay. It was released in conjunction with two other Call of Duty games: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized for the Nintendo DS, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition, ...
Call of Duty: Black Ops II features 71 trophies and 70 achievements, giving 1250 in total. The A Burst of Flavor achievement will not unlock while Insta-Kill is active. The I'm on a Tank! achievement will unlock if a player's corpse is present on the tan
Private Gender Male Status Alive Weapons M1A1 Carbine,B.A.R.,Thompson,M1 Garand,Browning .30 Cal McCloskey fought alongside Sergeantand CorporalTaylorthroughout the American D-Day campaign inCall of Duty 2and survived. During the mission "The Silo", Pvt. McCloskey was thought by Pvt. Braebu...
Gaming This is a modal window. undefined It is one of the most recognisable and successful video games series ever. But what is the legacy of Call of Duty? Watch Next Tributes pour in for George Foreman Thousands of passengers stranded
For the spin-off, see Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies. "A lie is a lie. Just because they write it down and call it history doesn't make it the truth. We live in a world where seeing is not believing, where only a few know what really happened. We live i
Hans Zimmer专辑《Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2》。简介:这张专辑是著名的FPS游戏《Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2》的原声OST,此游戏打破了游戏界首周,首日等各种销量记录,配乐自然功劳不小。主题曲由电影配乐界大名鼎鼎的Hans Zimmer 亲自操刀制作,实力不俗。配合
地图介绍:杀戮小屋,最早出自《使命召唤4现代战争》多人对战。地点位于英国克莱登希尔。对战双方为SAS 英国特别空勤团和Spetsnaz 俄罗斯特种部队,规模小 快节奏风格的仓库内部。非常适合小型团队 COD 俯视图 MC 俯视图 封面图 CQB训练 出生点 6.Standoff 地图介绍:战火小镇,最早出自《使命召唤9黑色行动2》多人对战。地...