此內容已遭鎖定 此內容已遭鎖定 描述 超越遊戲迷們對這款創紀錄娛樂巨作的期待,Call of Duty: Black Ops II 讓玩家們身臨並不遙遠的 21 世紀冷戰時代,屆時戰場上技術和武器相互融合,新一代戰爭一觸即發。今天就預購吧! 發佈者 Activision 開發者 Treyarch...
使命召唤9:黑色行动2 Call of Duty: Black Ops II豆瓣评分:8.5 简介: 2012年5月2日,Activision正式宣布年度射击大作《使命召唤9:黑色行动2》(Call of Duty9:Black Ops2)将于今年11月13日发售,登陆平台为PC、XBox360、PS3,本作将由Treyarch工作室负责。 故事
Leave your international calling card with the North American Flags of the World Calling Card Pack, which includes national flag-themed Calling Cards from countries located in this region.
A time-spanning, generation-spanning narrative, Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 introduces players to an insidious villain named Raul Menendez who hijacks the US military infrastructure to further his own agenda. Harness the power of near-future technology and advanced robotics to pull the world ba...
A new take on a classic Black Ops weapon camo, the Call of Duty®: Black Ops II Rogue Personalization Pack comes loaded with a geometrically patterned weapon skin, three uniquely-shaped reticles, and an all-new Calling Card. (NOTICE: Reticles only avai
Theme from Call of Duty Black Ops II Trent Reznor 5:38 Alex and David Jack Wall 1:34 Savimbi's Pride Jack Wall 4:07 You Can't Kill Me Jack Wall 1:42 Hidden Jack Wall 2:46 Catch Me If You Can Jack Wall 2:41 Flying Squirrels Jack Wall 2:08 ...
Call of Duty: Black Ops II features a stunning HD experience, using the most advanced textures, lighting and shadowing systems in the history of the series. With the unique second screen experience at the heart of Wii U, players can join the action in a full Call of Duty experience from ...
OpsInfinity《使命召唤》Ward劳资纠纷题材在Infinity Ward做烦了二战题材的《使命召唤》的时候.他们曾经提出过制作未来科幻题材的设想.几年之后.MW系列成为7FPS的霸主.IW组因为劳资纠纷所导致的内乱而实力大减.曾经开发CoD3,CoD5和《黑色行动》(以下简称BO)的Treyarch.准备在《黑色行动Ⅱ》中拾起当初的这一设想.老黑...
A total of 4 DLC map packs were released throughout 2013 and each of them was an Xbox 360 exclusive for 30 days, just like the previous Call of Duty DLCs. Black Ops 3 will also have DLC map packs released, but for the first time ever all the multiplayer maps in black ops 3 will ...