Digital version of Call of Duty® Black Ops 4 includes - 5 Reserve Crates that each grant 3 exclusive items from Black Jack’s Reserves - Special Digital Bonus Items Black Ops 4 features gritty, grounded, fluid Multiplayer combat, the biggest Zombi
No longer simply an FPS franchise, Call of Duty® has become a its own cultural phenomenon. In this month’s Intel Hub we take a look at everything that’s new in the hotly anticipated Black Ops 4!
Unpack the changes to Blackout in 'Map Briefings' with Call of Duty®: Black Ops 4's Studio Design Director, David Vonderhaar, and Producer, Miles Leslie. 游戏指南 无论您想要单打独斗(单排),与好友一同(双排)还是全队行动(四排),游戏的基本原理不变。
Blackout In Blackout, the Black Ops universe comes to life in one massive battle royale experience, combining Black Ops signature combat and the biggest map in Call of Duty history. Play as fan favorite characters and battle through iconic settings in an all-out survival and elimination experien...
Blackout 夜幕降临 “阿萨德的军队正准备处决尼古拉,他曾是我们的线人。卡马洛夫(Kamarov)中士将在现场协助我们执行营救任务。我们会照顾好我们的朋友。” ——使命召唤4:现代战争 重制版 关卡描述 “欢迎来到新俄罗斯,普莱斯上尉。” ——卡马洛夫(Kamarov);...
黑色行动4》中全新的Blackout模式为你带来了《使命召唤》的最佳战斗体验。 在《使命召唤黑色行动4》中,多人游戏是流畅的、快节奏的,而且比以往任何时候都更具战术性;有新的地图、新的游戏模式和新的专家可以体验。 僵尸模式又回到了《使命召唤黑色行动4》中,而且比以往任何时候都要大--推出时有三种新体验。...
全新的Blackout模式在史诗般的大逃杀体验中为游戏的流畅战斗带来了活力。 黑色行动4》为你带来终极的多人竞技体验--包括所有的新武器、装备和专家。 僵尸模式回来了!它是如此之大,可以成为自己的游戏! 关于游戏名称 黑色行动4》中全新的Blackout模式为您带来COD的最佳大逃杀体验。
Black Ops 4 has forgone having a single-player campaign mode to focus on the new hotness: the battle royale, accessible in the “Blackout” mode of the game. There are other modes, but this is the selling point of the game and the thrust of development. What Call of Duty: Black ...
In Blackout, Black Ops comes to life in a massive battle royale experience, combining Black Ops signature combat and the biggest maps in Call of Duty® history.There’s never been a better time to dive into Call of Duty®: Black Ops 4.PlayStation® players will get access to new ...