#安利##克蘇魯#的呼喚(Call of Cthulhu) IGN給了8.7分高分的作品結果自己一玩就傻眼了,這遊戲的貼圖質量是5年前的。而且打着克蘇魯的名號,結果就在其中一個結局中出現了2秒。平時都是利維坦在呼喚男主角——標題改成利維坦的呼喚一點也不奇怪。而且不是說古神根本不理渺小的人類嗎?怎麽遊戲中的古神這麽能說呢?
Call of Cthulhu 游戏类型: 冒险 游戏制作: Cyanide 游戏发行: Focus Interactive 游戏平台: PC/XboxOne/PS4 上市时间: 2018-10-30 0 游民评测 详细评测 7.1 玩家评分 621人评价 5 19.8% 4 31.4% 3 35.7% 2 9.7% 1 3.4% 想 玩玩过评分 游戏介绍: ...
Call of Cthulhu may satisfy fans of Lovecraft's mythos or hardcore fans of horror and mystery games, but the clunky mechanics and predictable genre tropes drag down the overall experience and turn it into more of a slog than a game.
IGN Japan Call of Cthulhu’s strange and eerie visuals somewhat succeed in recreating the atmosphere of Cthulhu mythology. However, instead of contributing to the story, stats such as Sanity feel like they deny the player’s trial-and-error. From shooting to stealth segments, the wide array of...
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is a first-person horror game that combines intense action and adventure elements. 最近评测: 多半好评(12) 全部评测: 褒贬不一(2,671) 发行日期: 2006 年 4 月 26 日 开发商: Headfirst Productions ...
Call of Cthulhu's engaging mystery and intriguing utilization of RPG mechanics make it one of the more enjoyable Lovecraftian games in years. 8.6 / 10 DM Schmeyer IGN Call of Cthulhu is a mostly competent, occasionally chilling adventure ruined by unspeakable horrors. 5 / 10 David Wildgoose ...
It’s no surprise that Lovecraft dominates, but this often makes the rest of the circle look like mere acolytes. It doesn’t help that many of them also contributed to HPL’s Cthulhu mythos -- this, too, suggests that the best they could do was develop somebody else’s cosmic vision....
Call of Cthulhu,由 Chaosium 主创的一款经典纸笔类游戏为基础而所启发的官方视频游戏,带你进入一个被标志性的 Lovecraft(洛夫克拉夫特) 世界古老神袛包围的疯狂境界。游戏背景1924。私家侦探皮尔斯被派去孤岛 Darkwater Island 上调查霍金斯家族的死亡惨剧。很快, 皮尔斯陷入了一个可怕的权谋世界充斥着诡异的宗教和...
Only issue really has been the load times, but after Little Nightmares we've kinda gotten used to it if it happens. IGN have this an 8+ on other platforms and loved the atmosphere and story. So far I'm scoring 7-8. If you like horror or have an interest in Cthulhu then give it ...
And while you're here, you may also be interested in IGN's developer showcase of the game:Some additional details:Call of Cthulhu, the official videogame inspired by Chaosium’s classic pen and paper RPG, is set to unleash madness when the game releases for consoles and PC on October ...