Check Wayne's Books InventoryAmazon | DriveThruRPG (PDF)Terror Australis: Cthulhu Down Under: Australian Background and Adventures "AUSTRALIA is a new-settled land, full of opportunity. But it is also an ancient land, filled with the dreamings of the Aboriginals, hunters and gatherers who ca...
2020. Usually,Call of Cthulhuis played with one Keeper and between four to six investigators. Sometimes, for any number of reasons, it can be hard to get such a large group of players together, so the scenarios in this collection have been specifically...
A scenario inCall of Cthulhucan be organized like the layers of an onion. On the surface, suppose that the scenario looks like it's about a conventional haunted house. It might even look like a hoax. As the investigators penetrate the first layer, they should discover another beneath. These...