getStaticProps is executed at a build time and you can't call your own API because Next.js server is not running. You can execute DB queries or read from file system inside getStaticProps directly, without making an API call. Share Improve this answer Follow answered May 29, 2020 at ...
1 Next.js custom App getInitialProps TypeError 1 NextJs Render Erorrs 0 next.js cannot be started 4 How to solve Internal Server Error in Next.Js? 0 NextJS environment variable undefined in API route 0 Next.js Cannot read property 'xx' of undefined 24 Failed to...
I am using apollo client in my nextJs react app. And want to handle errors at common location so added onError link This function gets called properly but not sure how to redirect to login from this function. It is written in apollo-client.ts that I use
Next, in the third party or external API, you can verify the token to ensure it’s not compromised, and you can decode the token to obtain additional information, such as the user, permissions, and more. Conclusion Server Actions are a fantastic new feature in Next.js that allows developer...
Firstly, the route transition from Page 2 to Nested Page 1 calls the beforeRouteEnter hook, but doesn't execute the next callback (hence why count doesn't update). Secondly, the route transition from Nested Page 1 to Nested Page 2 doesn't call either the beforeRouteEnter or the beforeRo...
process.nextTick(callback) 功能:在事件循环的下一次循环中调用 callback 回调函数。效果是将一个函数推迟到代码书写的下一个同步方法执行完毕时或异步方法的事件回调函数开始执行时;与setTimeout(fn, 0) 函数的功能类似,但它的效率高多了。 基于node.js的事件循环分析,每一次循环就是一次tick,每一次tick时,v8...
(req, res, next){if(!req.session.isAuthenticated) {returnres.redirect('/auth/signin');// redirect to sign-in route} next(); }// isAuthenticated checks if user is authenticatedrouter.get('/',isAuthenticated, authProvider.getToken(protectedResources.toDoListAPI.scop...