b. to come or go (for) in order to fetch: I will call for my book later. 30. (intr; foll by on or upon) to make an appeal or request (to): they called upon him to reply. 31. (tr) to predict the outcome of an event: we don't know yet if the plan has succeeded bec...
Like Don’t Call Me Mum on Facebook Follow Don’t Call Me Mum on Twitter Demonstrate your support by ordering your badges or add our logo to your website. Book on Born at the Right Time Specialist Training which puts the heart of lived experience in the centre of effective communication ...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook birdcall Thesaurus bird·call (bûrd′kôl′) n. 1.The song or cry of a bird. 2. a.An imitation of the song or cry of a bird. b.A small device for producing this sound. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Editi...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromcall for it) call for (someone or something) 1. To call a place by phone specifically to talk to one who lives or works there (depending on the context).Honey, a boy named John called for you while you were at tennis practice ...
O'Connor saved one of his best for last . according to his family's brief statement, among his last words were, "I'd like to thank the Academy for my lifetime achievement award that I will eventually get." O'Connor is survived by his wife, Gloria Noble, and four children.--Prepared...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook call off the/(one's) dogs (redirected fromcall off the/ dogs) call off the/(one's) dogs 1. To stop disparaging or otherwise behaving aggressively toward someone.I know you wish I were a doctor, Dad, but call off the dogs for one night.I'...
本 Ben! 我又收到了爸爸脸书上发来的消息 IgotanothermessagefromDad,onFacebook. 想跟我见面 Wantstomeetup. 什么事 Yeah? 好我二十分钟后能到 Right.Yeah,Icanbethere,yeah,20minutes. 《约翰福音》14章1-3节你们心里不要忧愁 Donotletyourheartbetroubled. 你们信神 YoubelieveinGod. 也当信我 Believe...
Kelsey was only four years old when Dad died. I was___for weeks, and Kelsey tried to comfort me. Oftentimes she cried with me or tried in some way to make me feel better. Nothing helped. I needed my___on this Earth, and sometimes my heart___so badly that I thought it might be...
Wade right into them and fight back, kick hell right out of some of those boys." My reply was, "Oh, I do not believe in quarreling. I suppose they call this fun." Just then one of the boys reached out and pulled the fuzz on my face. The stout girl said, "Mother told me at ...
Share on Facebook Share on X Share to Flipboard Send an Email Show additional share options Logo text The officers of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ board of governors, including president David Rubin and CEO Dawn Hudson, are conven...