《请以你的名字呼唤我》 Call me by your name 经典英文台词 结尾爸爸对Elio说的话You’re too smart not to know how rare, how special what you two had. He was more than intelligent. What you two had had everything and nothing to do with intelligence. You’re both lucky to have found ea...
Something always held me back or stood in the way. How you live your life is your business. Just remember: our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once. Before you know it, your heart’s worn out; as your body there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants...
《Call Me By Your Name》里最感动的是父亲这句话:“请你感受你所感受的”。是Elio和Oliver分手后,父亲劝他把经历和情绪一并记下,连痛苦也记下。 人太容易变成趋利避害的动物,回忆不过一本选择性的欢愉或痛苦...
Something always held me back or stood in the way。 总有些什么在阻挠我,或是挡在我面前。 How you live your life is your business,Just remember,Our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once,and before you konw it,your heart`s worn out.And as for your body,there comes a piont...
Call Me by Your Name里最后爸爸对Elio开导的话。“ 你的生活怎么过由你自己做主。只是切记,我们的身心只是被赋予了这一辈子,我们只活一次。而往往要到心碎的时候,人们才能领悟到这一点。至于你的身体,某种意义上,当没有人关注它更不想再靠近它的时候,才能够独自痊愈。现在,你所感受到的悲伤,痛苦,不用急于去...
Call Me By Your Name 这篇影评可能有剧透 相信看过电影的人,都会对这一段对话印象深刻吧。在Elio结束和Oliver的旅行后,他回到家。爸爸和他说的这段话,堪称全电影最佳片段。爸爸:欢迎回家。Oliver玩得开心吗? Elio:我想是的。不知道为什么,我却对这两句话特别动容。在经历了“相遇”,“了解”,和“爱上”,...
1449 0 00:17 App 【Call Me By Your Name】“Oliver你为什么在春天结婚?” 497 0 04:46 App 【Timothée Chalamet】甜茶第三次主持周六夜【中英熟肉】经历多次落败后 甜茶这次终于有机会说下自己的获奖感言 1564 0 00:30 App 甜茶|谁能把磕嗨的情绪演绎得如此淋漓尽致(好心疼) 5.4万 3 01:26 App “...
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME 5931免费订阅 Call me by your name父亲对儿子说的话 59302:24主播信息 YONGSHIiii 0 加关注 38 George Orwell 用户评论 还没有评论,快来发表第一个评论! 发表评论 猜你喜欢 1.50万 Call Me by Your Name 26.13万 Call Me By Your Name 4.57万 Call me by your name 2.08万 Cal...
Playlist | 請以你的名字呼喚我 我會以我的名字呼喚你 | 电影《Call Me By Your Name》| Oneplaylist 58.9万 1751 19:07 App 【导演视角】层层剥茧,真正看懂《请以你的名字呼唤我》视听语言拉片分析 31.3万 23 00:22 App “其实早就跟你告白过了,在看你的每一个眼神里” 21.0万 292 02:39 App ...
前两天整理文件,打开许久没有打开过的movie文件夹,里面就躺着这一部电影,顺手就打开看了。 依然是被两个男主帅到了,但没想到的是,影片最后父亲对儿子说的那段话,现在才被打到...