《以你的名字呼唤我》(英语:Call Me by Your Name)是一部2007年出版的爱情小说,由美国作家安德烈·艾席蒙创作。小说的主要内容是二十世纪八十年代一名智识过人的17岁意大利犹太男孩与一名来访的24岁美国犹太学者之间的爱情故事,描述了他们在后者来访的一个夏天的相处经历,又记录了自那之后的二十年发生的故事。
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丫丫的文字过渡期《Call me by your name》丫丫的文字过渡期 阿泰爱阿碗 260字 2021-06-17 11:15:38 “年轻的时候最好不要遇到什么惊艳的人,那有可能毁了一些东西。”帍 “要命的是,在最猝不及防之时上帝狡诈地找到了我们最脆弱的地方。” “我们会像小广场上那些面对皮亚韦纪念碑而坐的老人,谈起两个...
But there was something at once chilling and off-putting in the sudden distance that crept between us in the most unexpected moments. It was almost as though he were doing it on purpose; feeding me slack, and more slack, and then yanking away any semblance of fellowship. 然而在最意想不到...
Call Me by Your Name 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 安德烈·艾西蒙 一九五一年生于埃及,从小在法语、意大利语、阿拉伯语等多国语言环境下成长。然而因犹太身分,双亲遭埃及政府驱逐出境,之后他们成为意大利公民,于一九六八年搬至纽约。后来获哈佛大学比较文学博士。他曾于普林斯顿与纽约大学任教,现于纽约市立...
call me by your name荒唐时光 逸枫原 2021-12-19 宋亚轩如果能再来一次的话,请以你的名字呼唤我,而我也将以我的名字呼唤你 张真源无论是过去,现在还是未来,我都会一直爱你,但请你不要发现,因为不可以 张真源和宋亚轩是一个大学里的,张真源比宋亚轩还要大上一届 宋亚轩大学进入音乐社是张真源来面试他 两人也...
including CallMe by Your NameandThe Enigma Variations. He is currentlyDistinguished Professor at the CUNY Graduate Center andlives with his wife in New York City.HISTORICAL CONTEXTThe piazza at the center of the Italian town in which Elio liveswith his family boasts a small statute commemorating ...
you. To be with you, Oliver. With or without my bathing suit. To be with you on my bed. In your bed. Which is my bed during the other months of the year. Do with me what you want. Take me. Just ask if I want to and see the answer you’ll get, just don’t let me say...
by the balustrade, take the narrow stairway down the bluff, and you were on the rocks. Chiara, one of the girls who three years ago was shorter than I and who just last summer couldn't leave me alone, had now blossomed into a woman who had finally mastered the art of not always gr...
my presence, or to make him need me, but in urging him to speak about her behind her back, I’d turn Chiara into the object of man-to-man gossip. It would allow us to warm up to one another through her, to bridge the gap between us by admitting we were drawn to the same ...