(没有眼睛的鹿 是什么鹿)No eye deer (No idea).叫 无眼鹿(不知道)02 What did a late tomato say to other tomatoes?(一个迟到的番茄会对其他的番茄说什么)I will ketchup (catch up).(我能赶上)(ketchup 蕃茄酱)03 —I only know 25 letters of the alphabet.—why?—26个字母我只认识25个 ...
The call letters are typically arranged in alphabetical (字母的) order, starting from A and continuing through the alphabet. Knowing the letter(s) for your subject area gives you a place to start browsing the shelves. For example: A — General works; B — Philosophy, Psychology, Religion; ...
Some schools call their dormitories after letters of the alphabet. 有些学校以字母表中的字母为宿舍楼命名。 认为...是;把...看作 [T] 例句: I call that mean. 我认为那是卑鄙的。 例句: Critics call the program a failure and want Congress to end it. ...
Some schools call their dormitories after letters of the alphabet. 有些学校以字母表中的字母为宿舍楼命名。 认为...是;把...看作 [T] 例句: I call that mean. 我认为那是卑鄙的。 例句: Critics call the program a failure and want Congress to end it. 评论家认为这个项目是失败的,还想让国会...
letters of the alphabet or letters and numbers used esp. for identifying a radio or television station. [1910–15] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Compare call letters Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 call′ let`ters n.pl. letters of the alphabet or letters and numbers used esp. for identifying a radio or...
Some schools call their dormitories after letters of the alphabet. 有些学校以字母表中的字母为宿舍楼命名。 认为...是;把...看作 [T] 例句: I call that mean. 我认为那是卑鄙的。 例句: Critics call the program a failure and want Congress to end it. ...
Some schools call their dormitories after letters of the alphabet. 有些学校以字母表中的字母为宿舍楼命名。 认为...是;把...看作 [T] 例句: I call that mean. 我认为那是卑鄙的。 例句: Critics call the program a failure and want Congress to end it. ...
Some schools call their dormitories after letters of the alphabet. 有些学校以字母表中的字母为宿舍楼命名。 认为...是;把...看作 [T] 例句: I call that mean. 我认为那是卑鄙的。 例句: Critics call the program a failure and want Congress to end it. 评论家认为这个项目是失败的,还想让国会...
The call letters are typically arranged in alphabetical (字母的) order, starting from A and continuing through the alphabet. Knowing the letter(s) for your subject area gives you a place to start browsing the shelves. For example: A—Special request General Works; B—Special request Special ...