The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call.
Related to call it a day:call it a night (kôl) v.called,call·ing,calls 1.To say in a loud voice; announce:called my name from across the street; calling out numbers. 2.To demand or ask for the presence of:called the children to dinner; call the police. ...
: to speak of or address by a specified name : give a name to call her Kitty b(1) : to regard or characterize as of a certain kind : consider can hardly be called generous (2) : to estimate or consider for purposes of an estimate or for convenience call it an even dol...
Stop a particular activity for the rest of the day, as in It's past five o'clock so let's call it a day . Similarly, call it a night means “to stop something for the rest of the night,” as in One more hand of bridge and then let's call it a night . The original phrase...
主持人菲菲说她今天已经做了足够多的工作,所以她打算 “call it a day”。同事 Rob 说一天有24个小时,菲菲才工作了八小时,所以还不能 “call it a day(收工)”。听他们的对话,学习如何正确使用地道英语表达 “call it a day”。 Transcript:
Call it a day Meaning/Usage: Used to express that the work day is over. Explanation: "Call it" is often times used to make a decision. When you add "day" to this, then a person is making a decision to say that the day is over. This is mostly used to end a working day."Let...
call it a day meaning, definition, what is call it a day: to decide to stop working, especially be...: Learn more.
It is in this intersection, where Public Architecture, has the opportunity to construct the ideals of society: a space where individuals gather, relate to one another, and become citizens. Save this article Read more »Hello Wood Launches Call for Workshop Leaders and Students at Summer School...