The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call.
call in questionorcall into question :to cast doubt upon a reportcalling into questionthe drug's effectiveness call it a day :to stop for the remainder of the day or for the present whatever one has been doing worked another couple of hours and thencalled it a day ...
previous question(redirected from Call for the question)Also found in: Dictionary. Related to Call for the question: previous question, make a motionGraphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> gesturemotionorderrules of orderparliamentary......
call something into play (FORMAL) to make use of something Chess is a game that calls into play all your powers of something into question to doubt something or make others doubt something Synonym QUESTION His honesty has never been called into it a day (...
"Call off" is a synonym of ___. A. 山至容决按命山至容决按命cancel山至容决按命山至容决按命 B. 快斗达较科经类结次话因应才干快斗达较科经类结次话因应才干carry on快斗达较科经类结次话因应才干快斗达较科经类结次话因应才干 C. 适第须型适第须型come up with适第须型适第须型 D....
call something into question to doubt something or make others doubt something Synonym QUESTION His honesty has never been called into question. call it a day (INFORMAL) to decide or agree to stop doing something After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day (...
call something into question to doubt something or make others doubt something Synonym QUESTIONHis honesty has never been called into question. call it a day (INFORMAL) to decide or agree to stop doing somethingAfter forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day (=...
call something into questionto doubt something or make others doubt something synonym question His honesty has never been called into question. call it a day (informal)to decide or agree to stop doing something After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day (= ...
call something into question to doubt something or make others doubt something Synonym QUESTION His honesty has never been called into question. call it a day (INFORMAL) to decide or agree to stop doing something After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day (...
1. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic e.g. raise the specter of unemployment he conjured wild birds in the air call down the spirits from the mountain Synonym: raiseconjureconjure upinvokeevokestircall downarousebring upput forward ...