Call off sounds slightly less common/natural to me. The other two are almost the same, but with a very minor nuance. You may "call in" to work or "call out" of work. You can "call out sick," but to "call in sick" sounds a little odd to me, but only a little. There ...
||《Dancing in the Dark》 03:19 “适合一个人静静听,歌曲温柔有力。”||《The Nights》 03:49 “这首歌前奏太绝了,黄昏、晚霞画面感十足。”||《Dancing with my phone》 03:24 “无敌的旋律,听完整个人都升华了。”||《Call Me Now》 02:28 “中文翻译尽显魅力,仿佛置身空灵。”||《...
英语新闻导读 The surge has triggered "widespread cancellations and closures, as already short-staffed businesses are hit with a wave of staff calling in sick," Michael Pearce, senior USeconomistat Capital Economics, said in an email to clients Wednesday. ...
There will be times when you can't make it to work—it happens! Here's how to call out of work or call in sick, and what to say.
He just calls in occasionally... 他只是偶尔过来坐坐。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 I got into the habit of calling in on Gloria on my way home. 我养成了回家路上顺便去看格洛丽亚的习惯。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 I willcall insick for you. Just stay at home and rest for the day. ...
The meaning of SICK CALL is a scheduled time at which individuals (such as soldiers) may report as sick to the medical officer.
这里说he觉得自己心脏病犯了,需要照顾,所以叫医生来call outcall in 也有这个用法,也是可以的call in 1 叫…来 (帮忙)Call in an architect or engineer to oversee the work.找一名建筑师或工程师来监督这项工程。2 (给工作单位、电台或电视台) 打电话She reached for the phone to call in sick.她...
Call in an architect or engineer to oversee the work. 找一名建筑师或工程师来监督这项工程。 2 动词词组 If you call in, you phone a place, such as the place where you work, or a radio or TV station. (给工作单位、电台或电视台) 打电话 She reached for the phone to call in sick. ...
She reached for the phone to call in sick.(她伸手拿起话机打电话请病假。) A method call in PHP works as follows.(在php中的方法调用是这样工作的。) It was time to call in the Pakistanis.(在巴基斯坦,这个时间就可以给人打电话了。) 上...
几乎所有的念教科书学英文的人都知道英文请假是:ask for leave,很多人可能还知道take time off、call in sick(请病假)、casual leave(偶尔请的事假)、personal leave(事假),但是知道take / pull/throw a sickie(装病请假)的人可能就不多了,毕竟从过去到现在的教科书讲授的都是学习方法,很难让学习者跨越教科书...