CALL FUNCTION func IN BACKGROUND TASK [DESTINATION dest] parameter list [AS SEPARATE UNIT]. Addition: ... AS SEPARATE UNIT Effect Transactional call of a remote-capable function module specified in func using the RFC interface. You can use the addition DESTINATION to specify an individual desti...
首先是把根据接收数据逻辑处理的部分封装到function中。 接收 保存数据后,调用这个逻辑处理的function时,起用后台job模式,这样就会提高接口的效率,不用再等function中逻辑处理完才能返回。 demo: 首先建一个function: 然后代码随便写了 写完直接打一个外部断点。 然后写个程序: 直接点击执行。 会发现先得到执行结果后,...
CALL FUNCTION func IN BACKGROUND TASK [DESTINATION dest] parameter list [AS SEPARATE UNIT].追加:... AS SEPARATE UNIT動作RFC インタフェースを使用して行う、funcで指定したリモート対応汎用モジュールのトランザクション呼出です。オプション DESTINATION を使用して dest に個々の宛先を...
首先是把根据接收数据逻辑处理的部分封装到function中。 接收 保存数据后,调用这个逻辑处理的function时,起用后台job模式,这样就会提高接口的效率,不用再等function中逻辑处理完才能返回。 demo: 首先建一个function: 然后代码随便写了 写完直接打一个外部断点。 然后写个程序: 直接点击执行。 会发现先得到执行结果后,...
CALL function IN BACKGROUND TASK But when the FM gets executed, it is running in one of the dialog process as opposed to background process. Is it how it suppose to work or It should triggered the FM in background process? Basically we want this function call to be executed in backgrou...
I am calling one function module in background and with RFC destination. I am using IMPORTING parameter there. Using this importing parameter's value I am performing further action. Actually I have received one warning message when I checked is 'Function in background task can't IMPORT any va...
Hi All, While I am debugging one function exit it is going to background because it is calling as Call Function 'zxx' in Background Task Destination 'None'. so plz tell
taskname 但RFC事务调用不会触发隐式提交:CALLFUNCTIONfuncINBACKGROUNDTASKDESTINATION dest ·取RFC异步执行结果回调Form中...dialogmodules中调用了updatefunctionmodules(CALLFUNCTION...INUPDATETASK),则要等到主调程序中的COMMITWORK时才会真正执行 spi driver: kthread_worker 和 kthread_work ...
开始和结束 UIBackgroundTask 崩溃行附近的 CompletionHandler 调用 总结 前言 应用在执行后台任务时,莫名其妙地就崩溃了。登录 Firebase 查看 Crashlytics 控制台,在crash_info_entry_0这个 Key 对应的 Value 处看到一个令人困惑的错误:BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Unbalanced call to dispatch_group_leave()。
CALL FUNCTION 'POSTING_INTERFACE_CLEARING' IN BACKGROUND TASK COMMIT WORK I wiil try this ...Lemme c...Incase you any information please update... Thanks Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2011 Aug 18 4:50 PM 0 Kudos 1,066 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development...