FM_NAME = FUNC_MODULE_NAME "返回函数名 exceptions NO_FORM = 1 NO_FUNCTION_MODULE = 2 others = 3. 由于开发机上开发smartform传入生产机后有可能会改变其函数名,所以在调用smartform前使用这个函数 SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME:调用SmartForms SMARTFORMS输出报表时,生成一个函数名称,然后CALL这个名称 CALL FUNC...
CALL FUNCTION 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' EXPORTING formname = p_formu IMPORTING fm_name = w_fmname EXCEPTIONS no_form = 1 no_function_module = 2 OTHERS = 3. CALL FUNCTION w_fmname EXPORTING l_plnum = p_plnum EXCEPTIONS formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error = 3 user_...
In the Function Cals the FM name should be in CAPS and in single ' ' Reply madhu_vadlamani Active Contributor 2012 Nov 01 10:34 AM 0 Kudos 154 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Jaiswal, Looks only issue in capital letters.Instead of copy the fm call from pattern. ...
myFun :function(active,fm) { console.log( + ' ' +this.age + active +fm); } }varobj2 ={ name :'李四', age :20} obj.myFun.apply(obj2,['爱学习','北京']);//李四 20爱学习北京,'爱学习','北京');//李四 20爱学习北京obj.myFun.bind(obj2,'爱学习'...
varname ="小王";varage =17;varobj = {name:"小张",objAge:this.age,myFun:function(fm,t) {console.log("年龄"+this.age,"来自"+ fm +"去往"+ t); } }vardb = {name:"德玛",age:99},'成都','上海');// 德玛 年龄 99 来自 成都去往上海obj.myFun.apply...
Although long group names exist (starting from version 4.0) the native Remote Function Call function (that retrieves the list of functions from a long name group) does not differentiate between itself and a short name version that matches the first part of its name. If you query for functions...
WE57: Assign Idoc to function module(not the function group). BD51: Create an entry for Inbound function module. WE42: Create inbound process code, here you also need to make sure that the FM name is attached. Also check if the details have been entered properly in the Partner profile...
Function:Wireless Phone, Common Key Phone, Caller Number Presentation Phone, SMS Phone Start Order Request Contact Supplier Chat Shipping & Policy Shipping Cost:Contact the supplier about freight and estimated delivery time. Payment Methods: Support payments in USD ...
Try the following FM [F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST|]. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING tabname = fieldname = * SEARCHHELP = ' ' < search help her...
Specifies an application-defined callback function called by File Manager to communicate with a File Manager extension.