The deadline for proposal submission is July 31, 2024, and the special issue will be published in November 2025.Novak, Angela M.Journal of Advanced Academics
After the deadline expires, each special issue proposal will be assigned to a member of the Journal’s Editorial Board. The “assigned editor” will correspond with the proposing editor(s) to ensure that we have the information necessary for a full and fair consideration of the proposal. The ...
The special issue seeks proposals that respond to these prompts in ways that follow the traditions ofWriting and Pedagogy. Submissions must align with APA (7th edition) guidelines and consistently adhere to either British or North American conventions. The following timeline is anticipated: Proposal su...
If you would like to propose a topic for the Special Issue, please contact our Editorial Office ( Our editors will respond to you as soon as possible. What should a proposal contain? • A 150–200 word summary that clearly states the significance and adherence of...
Call For Papers Call for Special Issue Proposal Detail can refer to: International Journal of Blockchain Applications and Secure Computing (IJBASC) is an international, double-blinded peer reviewed journal for...
Speakers should be confirmed in advance before making the proposal. They should know and agree with the theme of the session. Each speaker will have the opportunity to submit an invited manuscript for the proceedings. The manuscript will be reviewed by the Special Session Chair, DAC Special ...
flats. It will focus on the various services provided by tidal flats, including marine biodiversity, natural purification, blue carbon, and ecological restoration, among other aspects. Furthermore, the proposal aims to explore the significance of tidal flats in the context of climate change ...
December 22, 2024 Bin Song and Judson Murray are recruiting authors for a special issue of “Confucian Contemplation” for the Journal of Contemplative Studies: The deadline of submitting an abstrac...
Special Session Proposal Submission A single PDF file including the following information: * Title of special session; * Rationale of the need for the special session at ICCD. The rationale should stress the novelty of the topic and/or its multidisciplinary ...
When submitting: * Please include "2014 Special Issue: " prior to your title in the submission system and in your proposal/full manuscript. * Remove any identifying information for review.Thank you very much for considering the submittal of your manuscript to this special is-sue. We are ...