In addition, economic evaluation of biofuel production and life cycle assessment for each biofuel route are highly recommended to be submitted to the current special issue as a step forward towards commercialization. Although many studies have been carried out on biofuel, collection of rece...
Call For Papers | 3.83分SCIE期刊征稿中 2022-10-12 18:18 发布于:山西省 PART 01 期 刊 信 息 期刊名:Neurological Sciences ISSN:1590-1874 2021IF:3.830 2021自引率:10.20% 收录数据库:SCIE 中科院分区基础版:医学3区 中科院分区升级版:医学4区 出版社:Springer International Publishing 平均审稿速度:4...
该投稿通道录用的中文优秀稿件推荐到《中文信息学报》、《清华大学学报(中文版)》等,期刊对论文再次审阅通过后刊发,录用的英文稿件发表在Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science proceedings (CCIS),EI检索。 2. AI Open 投稿网址:
The authors of selected high-quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the Machine Intelligence Research (MIR) journal published by Springer. Additionally, one Best Paper Award will be given. AIART 2024 is also launching a demo track...
第十七届全国知识图谱与语义计算大会(CCKS 2023)征稿中,并与《AI Open》开展联合征稿,征稿截止日期为2023年6月2日。 全国知识图谱与语义计算大会(China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing,CCKS)由中国中文信息学会语言与知识计算专业委员会主办,大会源自中文知识图谱研讨会(Chinese Knowledge Graph ...
Springer 相似文献Call for Papers: The State of the Practice of Software Engineering Focuses on the state of software practice as of November 2003. Inability of academic researchers in describing the actual software practice; Provides a bas... IS Staff - IEEE Computer Society Press 被引量: 30发...
CALL FOR PAPERS | 储能和智能载运国际学术会议ICEIV2022暨中国电工技术学会储能系统与装备第一届学术年会 论文征集 为了获得更清洁、更高效、更智能的交通出行方式,载运工具的燃料低碳化、能源多元化、电动化和智能化已成为趋势,对载运工具...
Call for Papers: Advances in Bridge Engineering Call for Papers 欢迎扫码进入征稿页面 征稿主题 期刊主要发表与桥梁工程有关的原创性学术研究、技术进展、案例分析,特别关注桥梁工程与其它学科的交叉研究、重大工程的应用分析。投稿主题包括但不限于: 桥梁结构形式创新...
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Health and Consumer FinanceSpringer Publishing CompanyJournal of Financial Counseling and Planning
Call For Papers Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit a chapter to our upcoming book entitled “Green Finance Instruments, Fintech, and Investment Strategies: An Analysis of Sustainable Portfolio Management in the Post-COVID 19 Era”, published by Springer Nature at the end of the year 2022...