This Special Issue calls for papers to address this gap, facilitate theory building and form a foundation for a collective body of the literature. We welcome scholars to identify and illustrate how specific emerging technologies could enable innovation capabilities roundly and rigorously. More import...
China Economic Review (CER)will publish a special issue following the Conference on“Income Inequality, Vulnerability, and the Middle-Income Trap – In Honor of Professor Martin Ravallion”(held on Oct. 13-14, 2023 at Xiamen, Ch...
Deadline for Paper Submission: Jan 31, 2023 Over the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has started to offer a fresh perspective and potential on tackling various chemical engineering problems, including data-driven modelling, new reaction development, prediction of chemical properties, ...
All papers must be submitted via the submission system, which can be found at: NOTE: Please kindly select the special issue "Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Restoration of Vulnerable E...
Submission Website: Contact Person: Guixiang YE, China Economic Review特刊征文通知 征稿截止时间:2024年2月28日 尽管进入21世纪以来,全球贫困率已显著下降,各地区和国家在发展进程中的表现却呈现显著不平衡...
For example, TinyML models can be deployed in the intelligent edge nodes which are widely used in the Internet of Things (IoTs) or Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoTs). This special issue will focus on the advances and challenges of TinyML to spur the development of intelligent system....
欢迎大家投稿到SCI期刊Sensors的Special Issue,影响因子3.576,主题是Advanced in Perceptual Quality Assessment of User Generated Contents, 截止日期为2022年9月20日。更多详情可见APQAUGC,感谢大家的关注和支持! Due to the rapid development of mobile devices and wireless networks in recent years, creating, watc...
Special issue: Approaches to writing instruction around the world Call for papers Writing instruction is shaped by contextual affordances and constraints. Teachers in different school systems will typically have undergone different pre-service training reflecting contemporary theoretical currents and available ...