Deadline for Paper Submission: Jan 31, 2023 Over the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has started to offer a fresh perspective and potential on tackling various chemical engineering problems, including data-driven modelling, new reaction development, prediction of chemical properties, ...
邢台学院的秦齐老师和我在期刊 Photonics 上组织了一个专栏,主题为:先进光纤激光技术及其应用。特刊链接: Advanced Fiber Laser Technology and Its Application我校同事王汉斌老师,河北工业大学李帅老师和我…
The main goal of this special issue is therefore to provide a forum for researchers in social ...
While restoring these vulnerable ecosystems is a global imperative, many unexpected challenges remain for ecological restoration, such as a lack of mature restoration techniques, improper implementation, and the absence of adaptive mana...
issue的名字就知道了。另外有些公众号 (比如Call4Papers) 会推送他们收集到的special issue的信息,但是...
Call for papers 23 February 2025 Biorefinery and Biomanufacturing for Resource Recovery (ICB-2025) The special issue is related to the 9th International Conference on Biorefinery and Biomanufacturing (ICB 2025). It will focus on the conversion of biomass/C1 into value-added products such as ...
Call for Papers for Special Issue Environmental Footprints: Analyzingand MitigatingtheEnvironmental BurdenfromAnthropogenicActivities Introduction With the progress of industrialization and urbanization, anthropogenic activities have led to considera...
Within this context, this special issue of Digital Finance seeks for original, high-quality papers that address the following, but not limited to, topics: Fintech and Financial inclusion Crowdfunding / Social lending to increase access to finance and broaden the investor base ...
SPECIAL ISSUE TITLE : "Exploring the Impact of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Extended Reality in Training: Research Insights" The Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research invites submissions (original research articles) for a Special Issue on the very relevant and topical theme of...