The Green and Sustainable Science and Engineering (GSSE) section of the Chemical Engineering Journal publishes papers on innovative scientific and engineering solutions for a sustainable future for both humans and nature. Guest editors: Soryong Ryan Chae, Stefania Specchia, Jae Young Lee, Mehtap Ö...
Order journalSubmit your articleGuide for authors Call for papers 23 July 2024 Dynamics, Disorder, and Regulation of Proteins and Nucleic Acids The regulation of biomacromolecules relies on structural ensembles that transmit chemical signals over vast molecular distances and timescales. Guest editors: Geor...
Call for papers International Journal of Drug Policy 7.8 CiteScore 4.4 Impact Factor Order journal 18 July 2024 Advances in understanding and addressing health-related harms among people who use drugs This Special Issue will highlight the state of the science on the epidemiology of drug use, drug...
Based on intensive discussions during a CECAM workshop, we have arranged for such a test and challenge the community to predict the results of the experiment and prepare manuscripts for submission to a special issue in The Journal of Ch...
Call for Articles On Diversity Journal Collection,publishing in English and Spanish. Full Title InformationSubmit (English)Submit (Spanish) A Collection of Journals On Diversity Journal Collectionexplores the forms and futures of human differences and diversity. We aim to advance theoretical frameworks ...
In principle, there is no payment for accepted manuscripts. After the manuscript is published, the journal will send 2 copies of the current issue to each author.录用稿件原则上不付稿酬。稿件刊用后,本刊将向每位作者赠寄当期刊物2册。Submission Guidelines 投稿方式 The length of the manuscript ...
Articles For authors Journal updates Environment, Development and Sustainability - Call for PapersCurrent Progress on Advanced Technologies for Biofuel Production and Utilisation Sustainable bioenergy has tremendous potential to reduce carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere – simply by switc...
For authors Journal updates Journal of Nephrology - Call for Papers Journal of Nephrology strongly supports Green Nephrology. In order to give this important topic more spread, the existing collection Home Haemodialysis and Sustainable Nephrology has now been divided into two collections which can be...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 01 Water: Molecular Origins of its Anomalies Submission Deadline: February 28, 2024 Water shapes our blue planet, forms clouds, drives the climate, is a unique solvent in chemistry, the ‘elixir of life’ in biology, and a complex fluid with a multitude of...
In principle, there is no payment for accepted manuscripts. After the manuscript is published, the journal will send 2 copies of the current issue to each author. 录用稿件原则上不付稿酬。稿件刊用后,本刊将向每位作者赠寄当期刊物2册...