Cash-secured Put: 卖方拥有一定的现金,同时卖出标的资产的看跌期权,如果标的资产跌破strike price,买方会行权从而卖方会以高于市场价买入标的资产从而会造成亏损,如果标的资产价格没有跌破strike price,那么卖方会最终获利,因为收取了买方的期权手续费。 然后我们来解释下call debit spread 策略: 这个策略一般适用于你觉得...
an investor buys and sells an equal number of calls or putsoptionto make a profit. Both the strategies (call spread and put spread) share the same characteristics, such as they are less risky. But, they offer lower rewards as well (these options are cheaper as well). The basic difference...
【期权交易 * 常见策略】#2.2 Married Put-Covered Put-Naked Put #美股 #赚钱 #option #期权 12:25 【期权交易 * 常见策略】#2.3 Bull Call-put Spread ~~特斯拉call spread 实盘操作 22:55 【期权交易 * 常见策略】#2.4 Bear Put-call Spread 12:40 【期权交易 * 常见策略】2.5 call backspread ...
【期权交易 * 常见策略】#2.3 Bull Call/put Spread ~~特斯拉call spread 实盘操作 1101 -- 27:50 App 期权教学 第3章 卖期权 / Sell Options / 可以卖CALL或者卖PUT / 买期权是要还钱,卖期权是可以收钱 162 -- 14:27 App 零基础学期权8|期权策略|Naked sell put 应用实例答疑|TSLA期权为例谈行权价...
【期权交易 * 常见策略】#2.3 Bull Call/put Spread ~~特斯拉call spread 实盘操作 超哥理财 656 1 【投资小白】窝轮牛熊知识扫盲 ︳港股干货 百万交易员Katie 2992 4 【直播精选】Coverd Call/Vertical Spread; Debit vs Credit Spread; 期权交易三步骤 超哥理财 164 0 期权教学 第3章 卖期权 / Sell ...
然后debit spread 叫做借方价差,这个spread有cash payment,即有现金流的支出;credit spread 叫做贷方价差,这个spread有cash inflow,即现金流的流入。 Bull spread 下的 bull call构成是long行权价低的call,short 行权价高的call,我们知道对于call option,行权价越低则越贵,所以就是说这个bull call策略我们是买了一...
If the investor expects a more significant decline in the underlying asset's price, abear put spreadmight be more profitable than a bear call spread. The maximum loss occurs when the stock trades at or above the strike price of the long call. Conversely, the maximum gain occurs when the ...
Correction—Oct. 3, 2024: This article has been corrected to state that a bull put spread is a credit strategy while a bull call spread is a debit strategy. Sponsored Trade on the Go. Anywhere, Anytime One of theworld's largest crypto-asset exchangesis ready for you. Enjoycompetitive fees... info. Bull Call Spread : Call and Put Options : Credit Spreads : Iron Condor : Covered Call Writing Strategy : Stock Trading Strategies —
A profit is realized at any stock price between the break even point and the net credit. The return calculations for the Bear-Call Credit Spread are: % Return =(Premium on SOLD CALL - Premium on BOUGHT CALL) ÷ (Margin - Net Credit) ...