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Die OB_CALLBACK_REGISTRATION-Struktur gibt die Parameter an, wenn die ObRegisterCallbacks-Routine ObjectPreCallback- und ObjectPostCallback-Rückrufroutinen registriert.
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Sometimes, you may encounter an issue where your OPPO phone disconnects automatically during a call. This can occur for various reasons, such as issues with your SIM card, poor network signal, theAccessibility settingto end the call by touching the Power button, or limited call duration. To ...
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 on the ROG Ally and ROG Ally X: performance guide & best settings Our optimized graphics settings will help you balance fidelity and framerate in the latest Call of Duty games on the ROG Ally. Gaming Call of Duty: Black Ops 6...
Die KeDeregisterBoundCallback-Routine hebt die Registrierung eines vom Benutzermodus gebundenen Ausnahmerückrufs auf, der von KeRegisterBoundCallback registriert wurde.
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Schweiz. Med. Wochenschr., 109 (1979), pp. 55-59 (76) View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Goncalves Amorim et al., 2014 A. Goncalves Amorim, F. Alves Barbosa Pagio, R. Neves Ferreira, A. Chambo Filho Genital schistosomiasis: a report on two cases of ovarian carcinomas containing viable eggs ...