Power BI Service API call doesn't work correctly 06-27-2023 12:33 PM Hi guys, I'm using the service principal profile to do API calls to get refresh history of each dataset The service principal profile is admin in all workspaces There is something that I don't unders...
The API URL is =https://api.system.com/api/downtime/user/724. Open Power BI Desktop and then Click onGet Data> selectWeb. Select the Advanced option. Add API URL in #1. Add Authorization header as Bearer Token. Authorization = Bearer <<space>> Token Generated in Step 1. ...
Through postman, I've tested the API and it is working as expected. Figure(1) Step 2 - Run your Power BI desktop. Run your Power BI Desktop. Use the "Web" option for accessing data from an API. In the figure below, I have marked the GetData icon click on that and select Web opt...
Dataverse table/entity reference Dataverse Web API Reference phonecall反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是 否 提供产品反馈 其他资源 活动 在FabCon Vegas 加入我们 4月1日 7时 - 4月3日 7时 最终Microsoft Fabric、Power BI、SQL 和 AI 社区主导的活动。 2025 年 3 月 31 日至 4 月 2 日。 立即注册...
Power BI Rest API call from Postman 12-16-2022 01:37 PM Hi, I am new to power BI and I have a requirement to reat power BI application. I have followed the below steps to acheive this. 1. Registred an web-application with all permissions 2. Created a security group in AAD...
For a branch that no longer exists, use the Tags tab to find the API (for example, v7.0.0). Interaction with the DOM Blazor samples GitHub repository (dotnet/blazor-samples) (how to download) Handle errors in ASP.NET Core Blazor apps (JavaScript interop section) Threat mitigation: ...
I am trying to invoke a post-call in PowerBi using a custom query but I'm facing an error The post-call gets converted to a get call and it throws an error. I tried using basic auth directly and also by passing it in headers any advice or help is appreciated and thank you in ...
Call Queue Power BI reporting Issue Hey guys! Hope you can help me with my issue below I was following this article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/aa-cq-cqd-historical-reports to set up a report/analytics on call volumes, etc for our call queues in Teams However, it...
有关在 Azure 门户中使用这些查询的信息,请参阅Log Analytics 教程。 有关 REST API,请参阅查询。 每个呼叫的流数量 计算每个调用的平均流数。 query ACSCallDiagnostics // Count the streams and distinct calls | summarize num_streams=count(), num_calls=dcount(CorrelationId) // Calculate the average num...
通过callId 查找呼叫中所有参与者的面向用户的诊断。 query // Replace queryConditions_callId with the callId you want to investigate. declare query_parameters(queryConditions_callId:string = ''); ACSCallClientOperations | where CallId == queryConditions_callId | where OperationName == 'UserFacing...