示例1: makeWatcherAPICaller // makeWatcherAPICaller creates a watcherAPICall function for a given facade name// and watcherId.funcmakeWatcherAPICaller(caller base.APICaller, facadeName, watcherIdstring)watcherAPICall{ bestVersion := caller.BestFacadeVersion(facadeName)returnfunc(requeststring, result...
开发者ID:yonglehou,项目名称:micro,代码行数:26,代码来源:api.go 示例2: Query ▲点赞 6▼ // Query API handlerfunc(es *Elastic)Query(ctx context.Context, req *api.Request, rsp *api.Response)error{varerr errorvarinputmap[string]interface{}varquery []byte// Unmarshal unknown JSONiferr = js...
Call API is a front-end layer for managing advanced SIP call flows. It listens for WebSocket connections and talks JSON-RPC 2.0 over them. - OpenSIPS/call-api
gogolangmachine-learningstreaminglivestreamwebrtcdriverp2pcodecface-recognitionvoipvideo-callaudio-callrtpmediadevicesmediadevices-api UpdatedJan 27, 2025 Go MarshalX/tgcalls Sponsor Star523 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Voice chats, private incoming and outgoing calls in Telegram for Developers ...
The following examples show how to use groovy.lang.Closure#call() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sideb...
Method 2 In the left-side navigation pane of the console, choose OpenAPI > SDKs. On the SDK page, download the SDK that is generated for the API group. API Gateway automatically generates SDKs for Objective-C, Android, Java, Golang, and TypeScript. 2. Use the SDK to call the API...
結論から言うと、Vueのテンプレート側でrouterを呼び出していたため。 修正前 <template>hogehogeボタン</template>import{defineComponent,useRouter}from'@nuxtjs/composition-api'exportdefaultdefineComponent({setup(){constrouter=useRouter()return{router}}}) 修正後 <template>hogehogeボタン</template>imp...
以system_call为例,int 0x80指令与sys_call是通过中断向量联系起来的,而API和对应的sys是通过系统调用号联系起来的 用户态时,系统调用xyz()使用int 0 系统调用 中断处理 进程调度 用户态 初始化 转载 mb5ff98246f093d 2020-03-18 23:48:00 458阅读 2评论 ...
In a new text file calleddouble.go, we’ll create a program that doubles the parameterxand returns the variabley. We issue a call to print theresultvariable, which is formed by running thedouble()function with3passed into it: double.go ...
If you need to check whether the request sent to the server is correct and do not want to perform actual operations on cloud resources, you can simulate a call in Alibaba Cloud CLI. Description of the --dryrun option To help you check whether the request parameters are valid, Alibaba Clou...