Configuring an Intranet DNS Server To configure a DNS server, specify its IP address in the/etc/resolv.conffile. The IP address of the intranet DNS server depends on which region you are located in. Find the IP address of the intranet DNS server in your region fromprivate DNS server addres...
In this quickstart, you use a sample single-page app (SPA) to show you how to sign in users by using the authorization code flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) and call the Microsoft Graph API. The sample uses the Microsoft Authentication Library to handle authentication.Prerequisite...
常量值:“android.telecom.CallScreeningService” Public constructors CallScreeningService Added inAPI level 24 CallScreeningService () Public methods onBind Added inAPI level 24 IBinderonBind (Intentintent) 将通信信道返回给服务。如果客户端无法绑定到服务,可能会返回null。返回IBinder通常是一个复杂的界面...
Assembly: Mono.Android.dll This service is implemented by an app that wishes to provide functionality for managing phone calls.C# 复制 [Android.Runtime.Register("android/telecom/InCallService", ApiSince=23, DoNotGenerateAcw=true)] public abstract class InCallService : Android.App.ServiceInheritan...
程序集: Mono.Android.dll 返回设备是否可以支持其他调用。 [Android.Runtime.Register("canAddCall", "()Z", "", ApiSince=23)] public bool CanAddCall (); 返回 Boolean 电话是否支持添加更多呼叫。 属性 RegisterAttribute 注解 返回设备是否可以支持其他调用。 适用于 . 的 android.telecom.I...
public static abstract class MediaSessionCompat.Callback extendsObject java.lang.Object ↳ 接收来自控制器和系统的传输控制,媒体按钮和命令。回调可以使用setCallback(MediaSessionCompat.Callback)进行设置。
给大家来一个使用camera.takePicture拍照的案例,这个是使用android.hardware.Camera硬件方式的,使用的都是camera.class标准接口。代码如下: package com.example.cameraandroid; import android.os.Bundle; import; import;
ApiProvider: 提供网络发送API,音频播放和录制API,连接断开等API。整个项目的入口文件。 mixAudioUtils: 混音用的工具类 MultiVoIPActivity:实现混音界面,需要录制两端音频然后点击混音按钮,之后点击输出混音即可播放 VoipP2PActivity:IP电话的主要界面,因为需要监听打电话的请求,但是不会写service进行后台监听,所以就在一个...
Call an API After you have the access token, you can call a web API. Your app will use the token to build an HTTP request and then run the request. Android Java RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this); JSONObject parameters =newJSONObject();try{ parameters.put("key","value"...