Whenever backward() is called to compute gradients the python script never terminates. The backward function is not per se blocking and all lines after it are still executed however the script just does not terminate. This may be related...
如果以上方法都不起作用,可以尝试使用其他方式来安装pytesseract。一个替代的方式是通过Anaconda来管理和安装第三方库。首先下载并安装Anaconda,然后打开Anaconda Prompt,并执行以下命令: conda install-c conda-forge pytesseract 这将使用Conda包管理器来安装pytesseract及其依赖项。 希望这些解决方法能帮助你解决问题。 内容...
这是关于机器学习的一点东西 第一步下载jupyter,可以直接下载anaconda,然后cmd打开anaconda prompt,然后输入jupyter notebook 我用的是miniconda,需要进入miniconda prompt后手动 pip install jupyter -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple/ --trusted-host pypi.do...MySQl...
pip install mkl-static mkl-include # CUDA only: Add LAPACK support for the GPU if needed conda install -c pytorch magma-cuda121 # or the magma-cuda* that matches your CUDA version from https://anaconda.org/pytorch/repo # (optional) If using torch.compile with inductor/triton, install the...