At the top of the chart is the Director of DIR, Katrina Hagen. Directly under her are the various management Offices that keep the DIR running smoothly. Directly under the “Offices” are the various “Divisi...
CAUTION: These WCAB panel decisions have not been designated a “significant panel decision” by the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. Practitioners should proceed with caution when citing to these board panel decisions and should also verify the subsequent history of the decision...
Labor Code section 5307 California (5307年加利福尼亚劳动代码部分) DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION’ REFERENCES REFERENCES ACOEM. Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, 2nd Edition. American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 25 Northwest Point Blvd., Suite 700, Elk Grove Village, ...
Workers’ Compensation. California again extended the “rebuttable presumption” that an employee’s illness resulting from COVID-19 was sustained in the course of employment for purposes of workers compensation benefits. Exposure Notifications. California amended Labor Code §6409.6 regarding the duties o...
In today’s ever-changing work environment, standing up for employee rights can be an uphill battle. From understanding complex employment laws to seeking fair treatment, just compensation, and a safe working environment, it’s no easy feat. But with the proper guidance, you can navigate this ...
There are no easy ways to chart how spending has ebbed and flowed in specific areas or to quickly spot the biggest changes from year to year. This is why in 2016, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG) ranked California as the worst state in the nation when it came ...
CSIA is a Full-Service Insurance Agency writing for a wide range of business and family needs. Serving California and all of the United States.
An outline with flow chart by Michael Coleman. ► Reforming California Local Finance: Should the Local Vote Rules Be Reversed? Analysis and opinion by Michael Coleman. Nov'10 Challenges to the California Local Government Fiscal Reform. Little Hoover Commission, "Roadmap for Reform" Public ...
AB 323, operative January 1, 2021, which under Labor Code § 2783 will provide newspaper carriers an exemption from the AB 5 “ABC” test. AB 3012 amended Insurance Code § 1063.1 to expand “covered claims” to include: (1) benefits under the ...