California Water code to manage groundwater. In some basins, the amount of water that can be extracted under that correlative right has been de ned by a court. In other basins, each landown- ers correlative right has not been de ned. In these ...
part of the impetus for a recent California law (SB 1157) was to provide funding to better understand the impact of indoor water-use efficiency standards on water systems, including influent and effluent quantity and quality and the environmental services effluent provides (California Water Code, 20...
SouthernCaliforniaEdison:加利福尼亚南部的爱迪生 Southern California Edison Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No.591-W Rosemead, California (U 338-E) Cancelling Revised Cal. PUC Sheet No.296-W (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. PUC)Advice 74-W Akbar Jazayeri Date Filed...
California CurrentCalifornia Undercurrentwater massesoptimum multiparameter analysisFish otoliths are often used to distinguish between populations and stocks by use of morphological or chemical features. We hypothesized that these features can also be used to distinguish between fishes of different taxonomic ...
Across the world, declining groundwater levels cause wells to run dry, increase water and food insecurity, and often acutely impact groundwater-dependent communities. Despite the ubiquity and severity of these impacts, groundwater research has primarily
The schematics of indirect potable reuse in California (as defined by the California Water Code) are shown in Fig. 2, which depicts advanced treated water being introduced into an environmental buffer as part of the raw water supply. Groundwater recharge can occur via surface spreading or subsurf...
(CDFA) to maintain a statewide database of wells sampled for pesticide active ingredients; subsection (e) requires the CDFA, in consultation with the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) and the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), to annually report the information contained ...
these regulatory agencies were consolidated into the Department of Cannabis Control. The new department promptly issued initial regulations which grouped together and renumbered the three sets of regulations in the California Code of Regulations. Other state agencies, such as the State Water Boards and...
These latter wells can penetrate usable ground water zones but are not permitted to open into usable water (Chapter 7, Division 7, California Water Code; Section 4458, California Health and Safety Code; and Chapter 1, Division 5, California Public Resoiirces Code.) "Dry" wells, "drainage" ...
These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that during an El Niño event the water is upwelled to the surface from above a depressed thermocline. In 1992, at Granite Canyon, normal coastal upwelling was superimposed upon the El Niño event of that year....