Most of California's fast food workers are set to be paid at least $20 per hour. A new law mandating the minimum wage increase for fast food workers is scheduled to take effect on Monday.
California's minimum wageis already among the highest in the country at $15.50 per hour and the new fast food deal shows the continued impact fast food industry workers have on wage negotiations. "I think fast food cooks and cashiers have fundamentally changed the politics of wag...
"California is home to more than 500,000 fast-food workers who for decades have been fighting for higher wages and better working conditions," Newsom said. "Today, we take one step closer to fairer wages, safer and healthier working conditions, and better training by giving hardworking...
The CAFFWU became the first-ever statewide fast-food workers union when it was established in February. When it was founded, the group declared it was "hitting the ground running" with three core priorities: fighting for higher wages, advancing new protections against "unfair" firings and ensur...
It’s one thing to demand higher wages by walking out for a day—which many workers have risked their jobs to do numerous times—and it’s another thing to organize for permanent union protection. The fast-food industry is so antagonistic to labor organizing that it threatened to go ...
Apparently, when a bunch of restaurants are required to raise wages by 25% overnight they charge higher prices. And customers come in less often as a result. That is becoming increasingly clear in California, where the state started requiring fast-food chain restaurants to pay wor...
In September, the restaurant industry and labor groups ended an expensive, monthslong battle over a bill that would have created a 10-person council that governs fast-food chains in California by setting guidelines for working conditions and wages. Instead, the two sides settled on a compromis...
"Such a narrow exemption has very little practical value. As it applies to all of our peer restaurants in the fast casual segment, we will almost certainly have to offer market value wages in order to attract and retain employees," he said. ...
Fast food experts argue that the introduction of computer kiosks could lead to increased profits and lower costs for chains. They predict that, to cover the higher wages, chains may need to raise prices by ten to twelve percent, a significant jump from the industry's usual two to three perc...
California City & State Minimum Wages Beginning on January 1, 2024, the minimum wage for all companies, regardless of size, is $16.00/hour.