If you have questions about state and local taxes on cannabis sales, please reach out to a member of the Withum SALT Team. July 18, 2023 California Changes Exemption Threshold for Bulk Sales of Bullion and Coins Authored by: Breea Boylan, CPA and Courtney Easterday, MSA The California De...
This isn’t a lot of money for government unions to spend. It also isn’t a lot of money for a consortium of large corporations to spend. That is evident from thequantity of initiatives that qualifyfor the state ballot every two years. But it is an absolute pile of money for any grou...
“The immediate loss of abortion access in so many places in this country is really at the forefront of the debate, but as we go into these last weeks, it's incredibly important to remind the voters that birth control is also on the chopping block at the state l...
Although heralded as the future of fuel treatments by most interviewees, it remains unlikely that managed wildfire will be used on state and private land in the near future due to legal responsibilities and the need for cross-jurisdictional agreement. Interviewees therefore underscored the importance ...
There is no noticeable change in the total burned area in months other than the wildfire season. Figure 5 Seasonal variation of wildfire frequency and burned area from 1920 to 2019. The threshold of large and small wildfires is 500 acre (2.02 km\(^2\)). (a–j show the seasonal ...
...we were able to reduce densities to below the targeted threshold that we were aiming for... Unlike elsewhere on the North Coast, Caspar Cove is one of only two locations in the state (see Tanker Reef in the Central Coast section) where recreational divers can participate in purple urchi...
another day of searching, another grim finding. the death toll from the camp fire rose by one thursday to 84, on a day when rain seemed to halt further growth of the state’s deadliest blaze. by thursday evening, the jarbo gap, where the fire probabl...
AB 2133would set a higher bar for the state’s 2030 emissions reduction goal. Permissible total greenhouse gas emissions would be capped at 55% below 1990 levels, from a current standard of 40% below 1990 levels. Supporters of AB 2133 say its tougher emissions standard is achievable if indust...
Still, in 2020 Biden only lost the state by 1.4 percentage points, his narrowest loss, and the Biden campaign included North Carolina on a list of targets in a 2024 strategy memo. Polls generally show Trump ahead in the state, but a recent Moody’s Analytics report had Trump and Biden ...
total of 27 months during the period of August 2015-October 2017 with the first three months as spin-up time. These two years represent bookends in coastal ocean productivity, thus allowing us to understand the range in response across ocean state. To further understand how interannual ...