There are mandatory state and local court forms for various procedures as well. And these all change often! Litigation By The Numbers®(“LBTN”), updated every January and July, is a California civil litigation practice guide which brings those state codes, rules, and forms (as well as ...
Civil rights cases aren’t always easy to win in court, because the burden of proof can be high. In many cases, the best option for our clients is to reach a settlement in which the defendant (the person or organization you’re suing) agrees to pay financial compensation to you, and ...
California Supreme Court Limits Disclosure of Grand Jury Evidence to Civil LitigantsCalifornia's Pre-Goldstein Refusal To Allow Disclosure To The Public Without Statutory AuthorizationBefore Goldstein, the California Supreme Court already had held that neither ...
CM/ECF - California Central District Page 1 of 9 (RCx), DISCOVERY, MANADR UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA (Western Division - Los Angeles) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 2:10-cv-05830-MMM -RC AFMS LLC v. United Parcel Service Co. et al Assigned to: Judge ...
On March 23, 2022, the Court of Appeal of the State of California, Fourth Appellate District, issued the latest ruling on the hotly contested issue of whether a trial court is empowered to dismiss or limit representative claims for alleged violatio...
Under California law, if a written or oral agreement exists, or if payment is accepted as rent, landlords and tenants have automatic rights and responsibilities underCA Civil Code 1940-1954.06, such as the right to timely rent payments and a livable dwelling. ...
Reports that the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit threw out the preliminary injunction prohibiting enforcement of the California Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI). Description of the `Coalition fo...
completingnecessarycourtformsandlinkstolegalserviceorganizationsandlawyer referralprograms.Italsoprovideslinkstostateagenciesthatassistwithlegalproblems suchasemploymentdiscrimination. TheSelfHelpCenteralsoprovidesaccesstoAskNow's Law Librarian Service which connects users with county law librarians throughout the state...
He obtained a right to sue letter from the EEOC and sued American Idol Productions for violations of Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and New York State law.American Idol Productions moved to dismiss the case, making several arguments. In addition to claiming Mr. Bernardo ...
The second is the secession of the Southern states in 1861, which sparked the Civil War.21The Confederacy was defeated on the battlefield rather than in the courts. However, subsequent legal issues created by attempts at independence led the courts to express an opinion on the legality of sece...