(free commercial database of 28 million U.S. business locations with addresses and phone numbers) •By Company Name• •By Person Name• •By Phone Number• Find a business entity in another state Choose the state where the corporation you are researching is registered....
Phone NumberPhone Number Unique Government identifierNational identification number, passport number, tax ID number, driving license number, unique government identifiers Customer Identification (Patient Identifier)Internal Novocure Patient ID Physical IdentityPhotographs, date of birth, weight, height, gender ...
The information required to contact an individual or an organization, e.g., address, phone numbers, e-mail address We collect contact details as needed to identify you, contact you and do business with you. Demographic Data Gender, ethnicity, nationality, place of birth, marital status, resid...
To start a corporation in California, you’ll need to do three things: appoint a registered agent, choose a name for your business, and file Articles of Incorporation with the California Secretary of State. You can file the document online, by mail, or in person. The Articles of Incorporati...
The numbers between Republican incumbent John Duarte and Democratic challenger Adam Gray, on the final day for county election offices to submit their results to the Secretary of State, showed Gray in the lead by 187 votes with no more ballots left to count. ...
Since case and testing numbers have become increasingly unreliable measures of the virus’ prevalence in a community, state officials now use COVID-19 hospitalizations as a key indicator. This metric has“shown 99% concordance”with community levels, according to the CDPH. ...
Penal Code Numbers (often used across CA as dispatch codes) 148 Resisting Arrest 459 Burglary 148.1 Making A False Bomb Threat 466 Possession Of Burglary Tools 148.4 Tampering With Fire Alarms 470 Forgery 148.5 Making A False Police Report 476a Check Fraud 187 Homicide 484b-i Credit Card Fraud...
California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, left, and Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times) Secretary of State Alex Padilla, the highest-ranking Latino in a statewide elected position in California, endorsed Gavin Newsom for governor on Thursday. Sho...
California Secretary of State's Ballot Pamphlets On-line 1996 onward. California Secretary of State's Ballot Initiative Updates. Legislative Analyst's Office's fiscal analyses of proposed initiatives California Attorney General: Initiative Measures in circulation . Full text of proposed initiative measures...
Across the swing states, the counties with the highest numbers of residents with Polish ancestry voted for Trump, and most of them weren’t even close — whether it’s Alpena, Presque Isle, Huron or Macomb counties in Michigan; Luzerne County in Pennsylvania;...