Effective Immediately: California Urgency Legislation Confirms Second Meal Period Waiver for Healthcare WorkersMichael D. SchlemmerCarol R. Freeman
When staff clock out of their shift, you can prompt them with a series of questions certifying the accuracy of their timesheets. If no meal or rest breaks were taken, Workforce.com will give the employee an option to sign a waiver indicating whether or not they agreed to take their break....
Timing of Meal Breaks in California In the ruling for Brinker Restaurant Group v. Superior Court[i], the California Supreme Court clarified that employees must be given their first meal break “no later than the end of an employee’s fifth hour of work, and a second meal period no later ...
rest period, including the duty to remain on call, it knew how to do so. Additionally, since the IWC’s order allows a paid on-duty meal period in some circumstances, “it would make no sense to permit a 30- minute paid, on duty meal break but not a 10-minute paid rest break.”...
Collective Bargaining Agreement’s Waiver of California Labor Code Section 227.3 Right to Vacation Pay Upon Termination Must Be Clear and Unmistakable Take a Vacation! (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Second District held today that the collective-bargaining exception to Labor Code section 227.3 requires ...
not less than thirty minutes is required if an employee works more than ten hours per day, except that if the total hours worked is no more than 12 hours, the second meal period may be waived by mutual consent of the employer and employee only if the first meal period was not waived....
(options included Asian, Pacific Islander, Filipino, Hispanic or Latino, African American not Hispanic, White not Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native, Two or More Races, and Not Reported)34; English as a Second Language speakers56; rates of participation in free or reduced-price meal ...
Oops! California Court Gets Around to Invalidating 22-Year-Old Meal Period Waiver Rules for Healthcare EmployeesAnthony J Oncidi