SB 270 was passed into law, making California the first state in the nation to ban single-use plastic bags. The law made an exception for thicker plastic carryout bags made from high-density polyethylene that were considered reusable and met certain recyclability standards, writes California Senato...
The reason for the increase, experts say, is thata 2014 law that aimed to ban plastic bag useallowed grocers to offer customers thick, heavier plastic bags that could theoretically be reused after purchase. In reality, however, those bags found little use after customers unloaded their groceries...
California had already banned thin plastic shopping bags at supermarkets and other stores, but shoppers could purchase bags made with a thicker plastic that purportedly made them reusable and recyclable. The new measure, approved by state legislators last month, bans all plastic ...
Louie Brown with the California Grocers Association said Senate Bill 270 — the bill that implemented the existing grocery bag law — worked initially. Then the Covid-19 pandemic hit, and grocers told customers not to bring reusable bags. Mark Murray, with Californians Against Waste, said the p...
Responding to the concerns about job losses, the bill includes $2 million in loans for plastic bag manufacturers to shift their operations to make reusable bags. That provision won the support of Los Angeles Democratic Sens. Kevin De Leon and Ricardo Lara, who had blocked earlier versions of ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a plastic bag bill that will ban stores from offering heavyweight "reusable" plastic bags at the checkout line.
The California Legislature passed its statewide ban on plastic bags in 2014. The law was later affirmed by voters in a 2016 referendum. The California Public Interest Research Group said Sunday that the new law finally meets the intent of the original bag ban. ...
campaign aimed at encouraging Californians to use reusable bags for shopping and bring plastic bags back to stores for recycling. California state law (Assembly Bill 2449) requires grocery stores and pharmacies with more than 10,000 square-feet of retail space to provide bins for the collection ...
The California Public Interest Research Group said Sunday that the new law finally meets the intent of the original bag ban. “Plastic bags create pollution in our environment and break into microplastics that contaminate our drinking water and threaten our health,” said the group’s director Jenn...
“I wouldn’t say it’s in the bag or we’ll be complacent, but as far as public opinion is concerned, George Gascon is toast,” said Recall DA George Gascon Tim Lineberger spokesman last month. However, on Monday, 195,783 signatures of the 715,833 turned in were invalidated, causing...