关于“揭秘酒庄混酿红葡萄酒(Conundrum Wines Red Blend, California, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国加利福尼亚州产区的红葡萄酒,采用仙粉黛和小西拉混酿。此酒颜色深邃,散发出成熟浆果、李子和可可的香气,单宁圆润成熟,口感柔顺,颇具深度和复杂度,适合与烤肉或味道浓郁的菜肴搭配。
酒庄名称: 阿达斯特拉酒庄(Adastra) 酒庄拥有者: 克里斯(Chris)和娜奥米?索普(Naomi Thorpe) 酒庄网址: www.adastrawines.com 主要葡萄品种: 霞多丽(Chardonna) 电话: (707) 255-4818 传真: (707) 255-4818 查看详情 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE ...
OneHope Red Blend California, USA Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥ 116 / 750ml 3.5 from 7 User Ratings 88 / 100 4 Critic Reviews Style Red - Rich and Intense This is above average in popularity for wines from California. On the other hand, there has been a lowering of demand over the ...
最优的葡萄园或者酿酒商中获得优质美酒,然后自己再进行调配、陈酿和装瓶,所产的酒商品牌酒包括Coastline, Coyote Creek,、Eye Candy,、Kitchen Sink,、Leaping Lizard和Totally Random多个品牌;而加州传统的葡萄酒酿造者,酒庄从70年代后期出产的首款琼瑶浆和长相思葡萄酒开始,便不断出产卓越的Adler Fels Wines系列葡萄...
California's rich appellations help create Meiomi's fan-favorite wines: Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Rose, and Red Blend
This is the one of the most popular wines from California, also this wine has been getting more popular over the past year. Widely available in America. Merchants are listing a handful of vintages between 2005 and 2016. Among the less expensive red wines from California. The price has been...
‘At Beringer, we recently launched our Quantum Red Blend made with grapes sourced from some of our finest vineyards across the Napa Valley. Demand is growing and I think it proves how popular these blended wines are becoming.’ Unusual varieties ...
California's rich appellations help create Meiomi's fan-favorite wines: Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Rose, and Red Blend
Try a California white blend with fresh seafood, cold roast chicken, creamy polenta, or a range of cheeses — from ricotta to triple crème, from goat cheese to dry Jack. California Rosé, Sparkling & Dessert Wines Dessert wines Also called late-harvest wines, these deep elixirs provide a ...
Find the best local price for Ensemble Red Blend, California, USA. Avg Price (ex-tax) US$9 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.