PUBLIC HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS People of the State of California, Plaintiff(s) vs. Gabriel Martinez, Defendant(s) Merced County Superior Courts | New Merced Courthouse | Criminal | 01/18/2017 FINANCIAL 09/10/2018 MARTINEZ, GABRIEL MICHAEL; ELECTRONIC (ONLINE) PAYMENT; RECEIPT # WEB-2018-18810; MA...
There are instructions for public record copy requests within county web pages, including traffic violations. Larger counties are more likely to have better public search services. (Staff) Where can I find information for free on an individual with a criminal background ...
Search California public records, including state arrests, criminal & court records, public birth, death, marriage, and divorce records. Browse CA public records database now!
California law authorizes certain governmental and private organizations to conduct criminal record background checks to help determine the suitability of a person applying for a license, employment, or a volunteer position for an administrative fee that can be either paid for by the agency requesting ...
Public access to court records in California Courts of Appeal. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed.
A.Criminal records are “public records.” So anyone can access a criminal record even after a PC 1203.4 expungement — unless the record is sealed. People who often access criminal records include: potential employers, landlords, and licensing agencies. ...
The California Public Records Act (CPRA) gives individuals, corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies the right to inspect California public records, including civil and criminal court cases, as well as family and probate cases. Typicall
Navigate to the Kids Live Safe website, which permits the general public to search for nearby registered sex offenders by zip code.Legal References:California Penal Code 290 — duty to register within specified number of days following entrance into or moving within a jurisdiction; offenses ...
Asset Search ServicesCatch a Cheating SpouseCivil RecordsComplete Background CheckCorporate Services Criminal Background CheckElder Abuse DetectionElder Abuse InvestigationExpert WitnessFamily Law Locating Missing PersonsPublic Record SearchesServices for AttorneysSurveillance ...
Public Off 517 Extortion 148.1A False Bomb Report 537 Defraud Innkeeper 148.5 False Report of Crime 538D Impersonate Peace Officer 148.9 False ID of P.O. 586 Illegal Parking 166.4 Contempt of Court 586D Illegal Parking - Driveway 182.1 Conspire of Commit 586F Illegal Parking - Fire Hydrant ...