"We conclude that because President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three, it would be a wrongful act under the Election Code for the Secretary to list President Trump as a candidate on the presidential primary bal...
California's secretary of state declined to remove Donald Trump from the presidential primary ballot despite a call for her to do so from the state's lieutenant governor. Dr. Shirley Weber did not immediately issue a comment on her decision to include Trump after her office releas...
We’re tracking races across California, including primary elections for Democratic and Republican presidential nominees. Results for a statewide proposition, U.S. Senate and House seats, and state Senate and Assembly contests are also available on this page. In state-level primary races, the top ...
In 2020, Joe Biden beat then-President Trump in California by more than 29 points, amassing a statewide margin of more than 5 million votes — thelargest in the historyof presidential elections. Three years in office have not been kind to Biden. Biden will win Tue...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom fields questions in the spin room before a Republican presidential primary debate hosted by FOX Business Network and Univision, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023, at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley...
Consequently, California also has the largest number of electoral votes in national presidential elections, with 54. The former speaker of the House of Representatives is the representative of California's 20th district, Kevin McCarthy.[346] 【参考译文】加州向众议院派出52名议员,[345]这是全国最大...
At the time, leaders did not have a plan for how the county would conduct future elections, including the March 2024 Republican presidential primary in delegate-rich California that could be key in deciding who wins the GOP nomination. The county had been preparing to c...
“That’s a problem with any ballot really, but especially with ballots during presidential election years.” The AB 247 bond is expected to be on the November 2024 ballot.
California's secretary of state declined to remove Donald Trump from the presidential primary ballot despite a call for her to do so from the state's lieutenant governor. Dr. Shirley Weber did not immediately issue a comment on her decision to include Trump after her offic...
Abortion opponents have vowed to challenge the initiative in state court, and if they aren’t successful there in striking it down, push for another ballot measure next cycle to overturn it. Nov 2024 When Kamala Harris made her case for the defense of Ukrai...