Was Senate Bill 198 California's regulatory version of the stealth bomber? To hear the cries...Sheridan, Peter J
The information provided in this “California Privacy Notice” only applies to California residents as defined by California privacy law (CCPA/CPRA). The notices below describe LiveRamp’s collection, use, disclosure, sale, and sharing of your personal information relating to LiveRamp’s products ...
current,it’s illegal for landlords in California to retaliate with measures such asraising the rentorremoving furnishingsfrom the rental property. The law presumes retaliation when the tenant has taken a protected action like reporting a landlord to government authorities for health and safety ...
The Amazon fulfillment center in Rialto, Calif., on Dec. 2, 2019. (CBS2) The measure also bars Amazon, the online retail giant, and similar companies from disciplining workers for following health and safety laws and allows employees to sue to suspend unsafe quotas or reverse re...
Between 2016 and 2019, California passed laws that made the permitting for ADUs "ministerial," meaning that building permits for ADUs must be approved by local governments after determining that certain boxes -- compliance with building codes and other safety -- have been checked. ...
Ashley Brightwell is quoted on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s newly effective requirement that construction employers provide workers with properly fitting personal protective equipment. AdvisoriesJanuary 16, 2025 Privacy, Cyber & Data Strategy / Immigration Advisory| North Korean IT Rem...
Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of our services or devices and to improve, upgrade, or enhance them Debugging to identify and repair errors To conduct business analysis, such as analytics, projections, identifying areas for operational improvement To conduct research...
“Public safety in L.A. County has visibly deteriorated. I believe Gascón must be replaced with someone that is committed to championing victims’ rights, safety and justice.” In a stunning reversal, former Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck withdrew his support for Gascón, saying the ...
"These are uncertain times for undocumented Californians and their families, and this bill strikes a balance that will protect public safety, while bringing a measure of comfort to those families who are now living in fear every day," Brown said in a statement. The law will take effect in ...
California state law mandates a minimum tire tread depth for inflatable tires on all vehicles. The minimum depth of the treads depends on the tire and the groove: the minimum tread required at all points in all major grooves is: 4/32nd (or 1/8th) of an inch in all tires on the ste...