California state law is clear — residents with registered vehicles must meet these minimum car insurance coverage requirements: California Required CoverageAmount Bodily Injury Liability $15,000 per person $30,000 per accident Property Damage Liability $5,000 Compare RatesStart Now → To elaborate, ...
9 full-time; 3 part-time Instructional faculty with Ph.D. or terminal degree 100% full-time; 33% part-time Tenured or tenure-track faculty 9 Average experience teaching online courses 14 years Program fully finances faculty training Yes Required hours of initial training 8 Formal peer review...
100% full-time; 100% part-time Tenured or tenure-track faculty 73 Average experience teaching online courses 12 years Program fully finances faculty training Yes Required hours of initial training 8 Formal peer review of instructors Yes Continuing training required Yes Class Size Average class si...
Under California labor law, nonexempt employees cannot be employed for more than eight hours in a workday or 40 hours in a workweek without receiving time-and-a-half for those extra hours worked. Employees who work more than 12 hours in a workday or more than eight hours on the seventh ...
Union employees– There must be a collective bargaining agreement with explicit terms governing hours, wages, and working conditions. Pay must be at least 30% higher than the state minimum wage, and there must be a premium wage rate for overtime work. ...
Many California properties may be federally entitled to a minimum30 days of advance noticebefore a landlord can file eviction for nonpayment of rent or other fees. This minimum applies to any residential property covered by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, ...
Full-time and part-time programs available Classes are on campus 20 or 15 hours per week (Monday-Friday) From high-intermediate to advanced Sessions of 4 weeks Numerous dates throughout the year Few students per class Access to University facilities as libraries, gym, etc. Certificate of Comple...
Incrementally offer at least one hour of paid leave for every 30 hours worked; or Offer all employees the minimum paid sick leave (3 days) at the beginning of each year. Sick pay is based on the employee’s regular hourly rate. Employers must also show how many days of sick leave ...
Double-Time vs Overtime -- The difference in California If you are a non-exempt employee in California, you are entitled to overtime pay (1.5 times your hourly rate of pay) or possibly even double-time pay for working extra hours. This chart illustrates overtime and double-time pay: ...
Chipotle, which just announced price hikes, said it will charge even more at its California restaurants, blaming a new rule that raises minimum wages for fast food (and fast casual) workers in the state.