Whether you want to be an agent or a broker, you’ll need a real estate license to buy or sell real estate in California. You’ll also need to be at least 18 years old, complete some real estate coursework, pass an exam (or two, depending on the license), and undergo a criminalba...
Find out how to meet the California educational state requirements while exploring how to renew your license, increase your salary, or earn an advanced degree.
Dassi, L. Use of chloride mass balance and tritium data for estimation of groundwater recharge and renewal rate in an unconfined aquifer from North Africa: A case study from Tunisia. Environ. Earth Sci. 2010, 60, 861–871. [CrossRef] 77. Johnson, T.D.; Belitz, K. Assigning land ...
Because it is largely an unfunded mandate, city managers are wondering how and where they will find the funds to implement the expensive new infrastructure requirements. Combining individual discharges from agriculture and those from urban areas can often make a significant, adverse change to the ...