Redlands High Takes Second in California Mock Trial CompetitionDemers, Marisa
He has been recognized as outstanding prosecution attorney during the 2024 California State Mock Trial Competition and as best attorney from the UCLA Mock Trial Institute, as well as having received the Congressional Award. He has worked on multiple political campaigns at both state and local levels...
Guynn-Neupane v. Magna Legal Services, LLC,Lexis Advance Worker Classification—Mock Jurors—Data Aggregator Exemption to “ABC” Test—Application ofBorello—District Court for Northern District of California granted summary judgment in favor of defendants Magna Legal Services, LL...
As they iPad away their afternoons, bowing before the altar of New Media, they mock institutions such as The Wall Street Journal as the old media of their grandparents, and--bless their little black turtlenecks and Birkenstocks--they weren't fooled by Rupert Murdoch's purchase of Myspace. S...
Harrington, Theresa