SCU, founded in 1851 by the Society of Jesus, was established on the site of Mission Santa Clara de Asis, the eighth of 21 California missions. Today, the University is committed to promoting academic excellence, enriching its educational experience through the Jesuit philosophy of educating the ...
The entrance to San Francisco Bay, La Boca del Puerto (The mouth of the Port) is discovered on November 1 by Sergeant Jose Ortega. San Diego De Alcala, the first of 21 missions established by Franciscan padres under the leadership of Father Junipero Serra, was founded. The missions extend ...
Juan Bautiza de Anza and his settlement party from San Diego came to establish a mission and presidio. The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi (Mission San Francisco de Asis) became the center of material and spiritual life for more than a thousand Native Americans...
although a Rancho El Paso de Robles in the same area was established in 1828. The City of El Paso de Robles (which means ‘The Pass of the Oaks’ in Spanish), was incorporated in 1889, long after the secularization and subsequent decline of the missions. Small-scale wine production in t...
Our techniques are derived straight from Israeli Secret Service doctrine and are adapted to meet the needs of high-risk PSD overseas missions, executive protection jobs, corporate security work, and celebrity protection contracts and,security guard school,pacific west academy,pwa school,woia,executive ...