Please note that all children under the Age of 19 will qualify for Medi-Cal if your Annual Gross Income is below the 266% on the Income Guidelines chart. This means even if the parents qualify for one of the Enhanced plans listed above, their children under the age of 19 will still onl...
Based on your income and household size, you may also qualify for government discounts through the Affordable Care Act. Our rates cannot be beat. Simple Process. We have made the process as easy as possible. Get accurate quotes in seconds without having to give your email or phone number....
Tooth decay still plagues California children almost a decade after Medi-Cal promised improve pediatric oral health[Los Angeles Times] "Eight years after an independent state watchdog agency harshly criticized the state for failing to provide dental care to low-income children, California has failed ...
Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program, offering public health insurance that provides free or low-cost medical services to children and adults with limited income and resources. Which category of car insurance is best? Comprehensive car insurance offers the most extensive coverage available. Our...
By December 2026, increase the number of persons enrolled in Medi-Cal by 10% (emphasizing the expansion/redetermination age group among 26-to 49-year- olds). Strategies1. Promote the administration of individual holistic assessments that evaluate barriers to accessing care.2. Creation of or ...