Days The Days tab provides a calendar type of view for all of the days in the school calendar, determined by the year, school and calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. The Days tab also displays which Period Schedules are assigned to a particular day, if any special events are assigned...
Oops! California Court Gets Around to Invalidating 22-Year-Old Meal Period Waiver Rules for Healthcare EmployeesAnthony J Oncidi
California ADM/ADA Detail Report Report Logic ADM and ADA values that print on the report are dependent on the selected Calculation Option on the report editor. This calculation depends on entered values on theCalendar Information tool. General Attendance Logic ...
California currently offers a waiver process for educational agencies to receive credit for missed school days and lost attendance resulting from an emergency, but schools are not required to make up missed school days43. The original language in the proposed S.B. 884 in the 2019–2020 ...
Effective Immediately: California Urgency Legislation Confirms Second Meal Period Waiver for Healthcare WorkersMichael D. SchlemmerCarol R. Freeman
The Census module tracks every person entry in Infinite Campus - parents, staff, students, emergency contacts, doctors, etc. Demographic data is used throughout Campus, utilizing historic details of each person. Some fields in the Census module are unique to each state. Other fields in the Cens...
Once school months are created, they can be printed in PDF or DOCX format by selecting thePrintbutton at the top of the screen. Non-school days print in yellow shaded cells; Non-instructional days print in blue shaded cells. The following logic applies: ...
Assessments > California PFT > Shoulder Stretch Left Test.testScore Shoulder Stretch Right Reports the Shoulder Stretch (Right) result in yes/no form from raw score recorded. Alphanumeric, 1 character Assessments > California PFT > Shoulder Stretch Right Test.testScore...