Landlord Responsibilities Tenant Responsibilities Evictions Security Deposits Lease Termination Rent Increases Discrimination Landlord Entry Note:These rights existregardlessof what the rental agreement says. Landlord Responsibilities in California In California, landlords legally can’t rent property out unless it...
A tenant who enters into a lease agreement for a rental unit in California has the legal right to occupy the house or apartment for the entire lease period. Whatever conditions the landlord and tenant agree to in the lease bind both the parties for the whole period. If the lease is for ...
If the landlord doesn't return the deposit or if the tenant and landlord cannot reach an agreement on the amount of security deposit that should be returned, the tenant can sue the landlord for return of the security deposit. The tenant can ask for return of the amount of the security dep...
cited by the court found that a duty was imposed upon the landlord, by statute or ordinance, forthe benefit of the See Bell v. Tsintolas Realty Co., 430 F.2d 474 (DC Cir 0 The court made noattempt to define "serious" in positive terms, but warned that isolated, minor housing code...
the landlord must reach an agreement with you, which must be in writing, about who will pay for the shared utilities. (Cal. Civ. Code § 1940.9) Laws About Property Maintenance and Repairs Tenant Maintenance Responsibilities: Tenants are required to meet the following maintenance responsibilities ...
Landlord Tenant Law Overview California, California rental agreements, landlord tenant law California |
To end a periodic rental agreement (for example, a month-to-month agreement), a California Tenant must give your landlord a proper written tenant notice to vacate. You must give the landlord thesame amount of notice as there are days between rent payments. This means that if you pay rent...
This article surveys 1984 cases in which the California courts of appeal confronted landlord-tenant issues. Due to housing shortages in California, legislation regulating rental housing has become pervasive. During 1984, California appellate courts have had the opportunityGridley, Cynthia L...
California's best eviction lawyer! Express Evictions is a landlord tenant attorney that offers free advice and forms. Call today at (800) 491-1951.
California's best eviction lawyer! Express Evictions is a landlord tenant attorney that offers free advice and forms. Call today at (800) 491-1951.