Featuring hand-tossed pizzas, a seasonally-inspired menu, hand-shaken cocktails, premium wines & craft beers and more! Only at California Pizza Kitchen!
Featuring hand-tossed pizzas, a seasonally-inspired menu, hand-shaken cocktails, premium wines & craft beers and more! Only at California Pizza Kitchen!
I was at the Garden State Mall, in Paramus NJ, California Pizza Kitchen. My family and I, all together 5 People, sat down to have diner and we had such a great waitress. Her name is Caitlyn. Young woman with such a great attitude. Knew everything about the menu including the drinks...
我在California Pizza Kitchen(思南公馆店) O网页链接 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 北村的囡_囡 02月06日 00:16 #RogerVivier品牌代言人邓伦# dl...
3placesincludingTony's New York Pizza,California Pizza Kitchen,Domino's Pizza Washington Metro Eats Brian F. 36placesincludingUncle Julio's Rio Grande Cafe,Coastal Flats,Ozzie's Good Eats,Ruth's Chris Steak House,Texas de Brazil Restaurant's ...
California Pizza Kitchen 11800 W Broad St (in Short Pump Town Center)里士满, VA 23233美国 At: Short Pump Town Center Get directions California Pizza Kitchen is a casual-dining restaurant serving...(Show more) Closed until 11:00 AM (Show more) (804) 364-9047 cpk.com California Pizza Kitc...
California Pizza Kitchen Galeria Metepec我要点评电话:+52 722 232 3582 地址:Calle Toluca-Metepec Nte 400 | Barrio de Coaxustenco, Metepec 52140, Mexico周边购物 3.8km TECATE SIX JIMENEZ GALLLARDO 1.5km Plaza "El Arenal" 1.1km Peluquería 3.8km PLAZA COMERCIAL SAN GASPAR ...
餐厅详情 相册2 California Pizza KitchenCPK Reforma 4.7分 3条点评人均¥170 西餐 休息中 13:00营业 Paseo de la Reforma 250 Interior IF-05 | Entre Niza y Havre, Mexico City 06600, Mexico 加载中 用户点评(3) 查看全部 4.7/5分 最新 好评3 juki235 5分超棒 这是一家开在墨西哥城...
california PIZZA KITCHEN点评(27 条) 手工抛掷披萨饼皮,制作各式经典美式披萨。 人均:291元 电话:(323) 460-2080 地址:6801 Hollywood Blvd Ste 255, 西好莱坞, CA 点评(27条) 3分 评分: 发表 可以输入1000字 除了有心形的pizza外,还包含了沙拉、玉米片和餐后甜点,性价比还不错,口味对于美式来说就算...
pizzas like Jamaican Jerk Chicken, BBQ Chicken in original, and Thai Chicken. G.J. Hart is the Executive Chairman, Executive Officer and President of California Pizza Kitchen. CPK also encourages collecting money for the organization that works for the welfare of youth sports, education and ...