"California is showing what is possible when leaders listen to experts, facts, science, and from the people who are directly impacted,” said Jodi Hicks, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. But Newsom did not sign every abortion bill into law...
It was a great love affair, is a great love affair.Early on I thought it was a lot of Hollywood stuff. I really did. I could give you anecdotes of her taking him to the train when he had to go to Phoenix because they didn’t fly in those days, or to Flagstaff to do the filmi...
It is possible to “buy out” an alimony obligation by exchanging assets or agreeing to take on liabilities instead of making regular periodic payments. For some, the idea of paying spousal support is an unpleasant reminder of a painful past and so they wish to sever ties to their ex-spouse...
California Barely Beats Passing $96.3B Budget BillThe article reports that lawmakers of California have passed a budget bill of 96.3 billion U.S. dollars that represents the continued economic growth, hop...
So ships are piling up at Long Beach waiting to get unloaded. The port is jammed full of containers with no place to stack more. The liberal media is blaming it on the trucking industry while the nation’s store shelves are becoming bare… Well there’s more to the story. Could Gavin...
I fail to see how the question whether a governmental body is a "special district" can, as the majority suggest, depend on the intent of the Legislature in its formation, given the general rule that the motivation of the Legislature or its members in passing legislation is immaterial to ques...
Bernard Gans trustee attorney actions has Caused great pain and lifetime emotional psychological damage Berard Gans probate attorney purpusly did not contact the family to tell them their 100 year old mothers passing and attend the funeral. there is a $30,000,000.00 cash reward money to anyone...
Bernard Gans trustee attorney actions has Caused great pain and lifetime emotional psychological damage Berard Gans probate attorney purpusly did not contact the family to tell them their 100 year old mothers passing and attend the funeral. there is a $30,000,000.00 cash reward money to anyone...
I’d also point out that the restaurant pays LESS than 3.5% to visa — thus, the restaurant is making an additional profit when customers pay by credit card. This is a tourist area, and I’m sure they count on the fact that many customers are simply passing through, and thu...
Bernard Gans trustee attorney actions has Caused great pain and lifetime emotional psychological damage Berard Gans probate attorney purpusly did not contact the family to tell them their 100 year old mothers passing and attend the funeral. there is a $30,000,000.00 cash reward money to anyone...