Based on your income and household size, you may also qualify for government discounts through the Affordable Care Act. Our rates cannot be beat. Simple Process. We have made the process as easy as possible. Get accurate quotes in seconds without having to give your email or phone number....
California Court Kills Pot Limit; Medical Marijuana Ruling Cites Initiative Process
Medi-Cal's annual spending now stands at $157 billion, serving about 15 million low-income residents, more than a third of Californians. Of those, about 1.5 million are immigrants living in the U.S. without authorization, costing an estimated $6.4 billion, according to the Department of Heal...
The penalties for not maintaining Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) in California are assessed based on income and household size. The calculation methods for determining the penalty amount vary depending on these factors. Here’s a detailed breakdown: Percentage of Income Method: T...
California drivers might consider purchasing these other types of car insurance, on top of the state’s legal requirements, for more robust financial protection: Medical payments: This pays for medical bills up to the coverage limit for you and any other passengers in your vehicle in the event...
Documenting the Need for a National Paid Family and Medical Leave Program: Evidence from the 2012 FMLA Survey The United States is the only high-income country that does not mandate paid family and medical leave. Instead American workers rely on a patchwork of empl... H Jorgensen,E Appelbaum...
Now he worries he may not qualify on his own based on his roughly $36,000 annual income since the limit is $20,121 for an individual but $41,400 for a family of four. It is likely an eligibility worker could check if he and his family qualify as a household or assist him with si...
Under the CCPA (CPRA), people have a right to know who profits from their personal information and take steps to limit this if they wish. The CCPA (CPRA) and Consumer Rights The CCPA (CPRA) explicitly guarantees California residentsa number of rightsconcerning personal data collected online, ...
GM also does not use or disclose sensitive personal information under California law for any purposes that would give you the right to limit the disclosure of your sensitive personal information according to California law. Authorizing an Agent You may be permitted by law to authorize someone else...
The panel is also in agreement with the WCJ’s finding that the 2016 Stipulations do not limit defendant’s liability for future medical treatment to only those body parts/conditions listed in the Stipulations. Such a holding would be contrary to well-settled authority ...