9. 拉斯维加斯高速铁路项目(西部光亮线)| Las Vegas HSR project (Brightline West) Main article: Brightline West【主条目:西部光亮线】 Brightline West (formerly Desert Xpress and XpressWest) is a project that since 2007 has been planning to build a high-speed rail line between Southern California...
Although it has been dubbed a"bullet train to nowhere,"California Gov.Jerry Brownhas pushed forward over the years with the state's high-speed rail project. But now the day of reckoning may come sooner than expected for the state's most expensive infrastructure project. Abusiness planreleased...
Surface Transportation Board (STB) and the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) on the construction of the California High-Speed Train System. It states that STB has declared that it has jurisdiction over the project while CHSRA filed a Motion to Dismiss with STB citing reasons as the ...
The 36-page letter obtained by the Los Angeles Times alleges the high-speed rail project faces problems including continuing delays in obtaining land for the line and the state’s failure to finalize deals with outside parties such as utilities and freight railroads. The delays will result in ...
The Golden State charged that the federal government's decision to ax the grant "was precipitated by President Trump's overt hostility to California, its challenge to his border wall initiatives, and what he called the 'green disaster' high-speed rail project." ...
U.S. President Donald Trump demanded California return 3.5 billion dollars in federal high-speed rail money after Newsom's speech. The U.S. Department of Transportation also announced Tuesday that it plans to cancel 929 million dollars awarded to the project and wants the western state to return...
It’s time for The Times to begin championing the thousands of jobs that high-speed rail has already created and the billions of dollars of economic activity that the project continues to contribute to the state’s economy. The Times might even try supporting the idea of spending more now ...
HIGH SPEED RAIL – THE FATALLY FLAWED CENTERPIECE The fatally flawed centerpiece of California’s transportation future, the “Bullet Train,” unfairly dominates California’s transportation conversation. Unfair not only because it represents a prodigious waste of public resources and an epic failure of...
The 1,287km California high-speed rail project is being developed to meet the growing demand for travel in the US. The California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) is the governing body overlooking the project.
Calif. High-Speed Rail Project Gets $4.2B Boost in State Budget California High-Speed Rail received a $4.2-billion boost from the new state budget that will help it complete the 171-mile section of electrified rail between Merced and Bakersfield in the Central Valley portion of the project, ...